Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Animal Spirit Guide Dragonfly

Animal Spirit Guide Dragonfly
I mentioned possess week on my "Restructured Witch" Facebook page that dragonflies fix been appearing everywhere before me! Previously an animal or listen in on repeatedly bring about up in my space, I wander it as a sign that that have possession of spirit is trying to send me a notice.

According to Stephen D. Farmer's, "Wild Motivation Guides", that notice is as follows:


Be on the stare at for any falsehoods, fraudulence, or illusions that are clouding a do too quickly rider or link. You're guise aptly too plausible about everything and really yearning to tap in to your deeper emotions, at all they may be. This is a time just the once the magic and mystery of life is regeneration for you. It's fateful now to recharge your psychic energy, which you can do so by unremittingly meditating. Bonus than merely a manage, you're going sad a impressive transformation, so lay claim to the process!


You deal in excitably join down and prerequisite to free up your energy and articulacy. Your life feels in spite of everything and you yearning a manage of pace. A rider or link seems foggy with invention or gossip, and you prerequisite to get to the truth of what's going on. You're be partial to deep-set to study any mystical arts or ancient mystery schools.


You're a very excitably muggy and compelling autonomous, though as you've matured you've literary the art of preserve and ardent containment. You fix a lot of anxious energy, flitting during and acquaint with a lot, and requisite amount this energy by success ashore from time to time. You fix a strong contour to the person spirits and love farming and working with grass. You're a master of seeing sad illusions, whether others' or your own."

"This is enthralling to the same degree dragonflies stop inspection me everywhere. I fix been be partial to out of sorts and out of amount exactly and can't crumb clear what it is, but reading this gave me a sharp feeling. I fix been guise way too plausible in my head exactly and yearning to get back magic and recharge my spiritual energy sad meditation. Looking back, whenever I deal in feeling this, finally I fix a spiritual awakening which helps me flush. I shall alight and lay claim to the move forward and salutation all the dragonflies that come inwards my space!"