- blood (life require)
- usable in multiple types of healing what of the blood association
(purifying blood, healing wounds)
- love and ache, desire, sex
- rile, craziness, derision
- recklessness, silliness
- bitterness, meanness
* Bright
- romance (combination of red and white)
- the colour of Spiritual love
- not as "strong" as red if hand-me-down in love or ache spells
- instant interaction, friendships
- leaning, easy-going
* Orange
- use for bringing philosophy wearing form
- combination of red and yellowish-brown
- creates a minor notch of stage
- insecurities
- a less tough type of fire
- platonic desire, moist desire
- the fizzling of a link
* Ashen
- the Sun
- exposition (in the world and within the self)
- warming
* Green
- wealth, money
- person on the inside life, Gentle
- relaxing, guilty
- combination of yellowish-brown and subdued
- a cooling colour (as forests are green and amount gloomy - protection - and inaccessibility)
- herbs, teammate
- gnomes, faeries
* Dark
- element of Mere
- sense, snivel
- regulation, sleep
- healing of the rationale (depress, stress, insecurities, other open issues)
* Indigo
- the night sky
- bright stack, water
* Purple
- combination of red and subdued
- desire
- the middle cut in the middle of rile and composure
* Dim
- a groundwork colour
- healing the earth or flora and fauna
- use in combination with green
* Icy
- the reflection of all colours
- white-hot sparkle of clean energy
- can be generic (send the light, let the spirit would like the colour)
- for Conclude Moons, initiations, freedom
- a clear claw
* Black
- add up of the Charisma
- the appeal of all colour
- that which is unfathomable, the shadows
- the space in the middle of the realms
- use for divination
- use for understanding deeper or underlying issues
- banishing, to uncivilized critical energy
- honour the Crone
* Ancient
- the Moon, stars, handiwork
- interest
- God energy
- the female
- dreaming and meditation
* Gold
- the Sun
- God energy
- the male
- the dawn, dawn, day time