Friday, March 8, 2013

Who Is This Ellen White A Jewish Rabbi Asks

Who Is This Ellen White A Jewish Rabbi Asks
Actress Elfred Lee's Document of Rabbi Joe Kagan: "I met Rabbi Joe Kagan at Weimar Launch in CA. His residence had come from Eastern Europe someplace his aunt had been raped in view of the fact that a priest stood greater than her with a crucifix saying, "This is what you get for ruin Christ." So you can upmarket the conclusion of lots Jews towards Christianity. American Christians are not at all similar to Europeans. His residence stimulated to the US in view of the fact that he was youth. At age 13 he debuted at Carnegie Foyer as a cantor. He had a lovely, tenor disclose. He received a very high schooling and became a rabbi. I met him in his successive being in 1978 whilst he had been on Ronald Reagan's staff in Sacramento as their investigate man. If gift were any questions about any punish, he was the one that did the investigate and found the answers. He had a very unflattering image towards Christianity. He would never pat the New Testament. Nevertheless, he knew the Jewish Old Testament (Torah) attractively well as a greatly academic rabbi would. One day he got surround of a book called "Patriarchs and Prophets" by Ellen G. Age-old. He read it with wonderment and at home to know who this Ellen Age-old was. That is on one occasion I met him. He was asking who is this Ellen G. Age-old, and what university did she work. We told him she entirely had a 3rd level schooling. "Moreover, someplace did she learn Hebrew?" he asked. We told him that she never knew Hebrew, but was the maximum load with female lyricist in history and that this was entirely one of her books. He was bowled over at her knowledge, saying that the information in this book (Patriarchs and Prophets) is Mishnaic. The Mishnah is part of the Hebrew donation. He alleged the Mishnah had entirely been translated arrived English 30 being ago and that entirely astronomical rabbis knew this information. This is the history of my the general public and it is very, very candid. He also alleged that you resist to know Hebrew to be proficient to share similar to this equally her thoughts android is not English, it's HebrewThe pound, the meter, the masterpiece of words and terms are not English. He alleged it's as if she wrote in Hebrew and it was translated arrived English. My residence and I full-fledged a strong friendship with Joe, his ensemble and son. As we heavy-handed the Bible and some Ellen Age-old books together one day, he alleged, "I am confident that Ellen Age-old was inspired by the exceedingly leave that inspired the Hebrew prophets. I willpower to become a Christian. I accept Jesus Christ as my Messiah." Now, he would not resist come to Christ uninterrupted reading the Bible. Instantly but the Hebrew Bible is full of prophecies pointing to the Messiah, it took Ellen White's writings to show off to him that Jesus Christ was the conformity of all the Hebrew prophecies.. And entirely moreover did he alternative up the New Testament and read about his Jewish Messiah. A range of time I saw him cry. I was in the deep of a ability commission for a magnificent mural called "Christ The Way of Energy" for the world origin of the Seventh Day Adventist church in Washington DC. He became very byzantine with that ability. The ability had quirkily been inspired by James and Ellen Age-old who had commissioned an engraver to do a black and white proposal of the punish. He acknowledged to me that Ellen White's formation was very candid on the whole scheme of help in both the Old and New Testament, but that the engraver had misrepresented her concepts. So he helped me in lots boom to make the ability historically and theologically accurate; superfluous re the flee quarter, the Hebrew words on the amalgam and the hold out lunch vision. He told me to fix up Jesus and his disciples at an oriental yield assume, deskbound on mats on the bamboozle - not Roman couches as the medieval artists painted. Greatly, he alleged their heads would be covered and he made final I painted the wine, the unleavened bread and the bitter herbs and their symbolism slap as they would resist been. He administrator of the whole ability and we had an introduction requirement at the Auburn SDA Place of worship in slowly 1979. He had in black and white a circulate to go with the ability and sat at the element as we unveiled the ability. He wept as he sang the words of Jesus on the amalgam quoting Isaiah, "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?" He sang and sang and wept and wept, his whole be incorporated trembling. Stage was not a dry eye in the whole church. His disclose was so lovely. The characteristic ability hangs in the new SDA world origin in Snowy Brim, Maryland someplace they resist posters and Bible studies of the ability. I may well never resist done it not up to scratch the clue of Rabbi Kagan and Ellen Age-old. I wish they were reserve alive! We were at his secret identification in the Substantiation Put up with better Sacramento on Saturday night Dec. 22, 1979. Stage were four of us produce. He may well not even make known his ensemble and son that he was now a Christian. As he came up out of the cold water approving God and before a live audience to his new Messiah, he alleged, "I am now a inclusive Jew. I resist now expected the Old and New Testament and the Messiah that all Jewish prophets told us about!" I was exactly in Europe liberal some workshops on art and some of my archeological work in the Represent East. I happened to cause to feel a Jewish residence from Israel. Shalom David was quirkily from Iraq and his ensemble from Chile. They were now attending a college in Europe someplace I met with entirely a bit of opposition to the writings of Ellen Age-old. This Jewish residence invited me to their home for Shabbat (Friday night lunch.) It was a maximum palatable casual as his ensemble and lovely children sang and applauded the approaching of Sabbath as Jews resist done for thousands of being. I told them the story of Rabbi Kagan and he got very vibrant. He alleged, "The exceedingly thing happened to me! I would resist closer burned the Bible moreover pat it! I at home energy to do with Christianity, but I also read the writings of Ellen Age-old and the Apparition of God was on that insect. Her writings are as if she wrote in Hebrew. You can specifically hook the Hebrew pound, meter and terms in her books. I also faith she was inspired by the exceedingly leave as the Hebrew prophets. And she has helped me fall in love with Jesus Christ, my Messiah." I appropriately met yesterday with a rabbi living current in California - Rabbi Ben. It was a quest up to a Sabbath buffet I was invited to this hold out Sabbath with him and a group of Adventists. He went uninterrupted the whole requirement at the buffet appropriately similar to Rabbi Kagan and as my new friend (Shalom David) in Europe had. So yesterday we were vernacular greater than Hebrew ceremonies and how they are reserve effective in healing evil. Rabbi Ben told me that he has also had the exceedingly wisdom. He not liked the Bible but that Ellen Age-old brought him to Christ and helped him read the New Testament and fall in love with the Messiah. He also told me that he had gone to patronize one of the maximum influential rabbis in America who is in his 90s who basic brook unnamed. All the same in this rabbi's library vernacular, he was scanning the lots, lots books on his walls and gift he saw the book "Patriarchs and Prophets" by Ellen Age-old. Rabbi Ben asked him about it and someplace he had gotten it, "Why do you resist this book by a Christian author?" The rabbi alleged, "This as a very no-nonsense leave on our history." I exactly united this attestation on T.V. at 3 Angels Data lines Lattice. My write to has been rich day and night by amenable the general public from as far pass as India and Australia saying, "we willpower to know more about Joe Kagan and Ellen Age-old." (This story was maximum open from a few being back)