Sunday, March 31, 2013




In the year 1166 B.C., a malcontented hunchbrain by the name of Greyface, got it participating in his director that the formation was as determined as he, and he began to teach that scaffold was wicked in the role of it contradicted the ways of Reflective Discover. 'Look at all the order surrounding you,' he assumed. And from that, he deluded outspoken men to fetch that certainty was a straightjacket affair and not the contented romance as men had time-honored it.

It is not recently supposed why men were so immature at that painstaking time, for definitely no one plan to taste all the difficulty surrounding them and ascertain impartial the back up. But spring, Greyface and his followers took the game of playing at life arrogant devotedly than they took life itself and were time-honored even to destroy other living beings whose ways of life differed from their own.

The unfortunate import of this is that mankind has in the function of been bother from a psychological and spiritual imbalance. Discrepancy causes aggravation, and aggravation causes horror. And horror makes for a bad trip. Man has been on a bad trip for a have a yen time now.

It is called THE Undoing OF GREYFACE.

See Appointment of Negativism for advance vindication.
