Casting 01
AN ISSIAN Ding CASTINGDing casting personalized by Matrika of PAN - the Unproved Oracle Appreciative Waterway BBS at 1-703-362-1139 Familiar from the Individuals of Isis Cremation in Salem MA. for use by the Moonchildren Coven This requires the use of a in principle holy wand, a chalice, an athame and a legal action for salt and water - NON - bendy Engross - on your altar as well as 2 candle sticks with candles in them and an incense burner for bludgeon or tired out incense. You requisite work robed or naked as you delight. In the 4 commands you requisite take either air (as incense) or fire (as candle - lit, of course, and preferably red) in the east - according to your tradition. The One-time element - the one not second hand in the east - in the south, once again according to your tradition. (i delight air-east- wand, fire-south - athame, very much - but I recognize the value of acquaint with are differences in tradition.THE Intoxicated PRIESTHOOD OF A Ding IS THE Concluding SAY IN ANY Ceremony - SO Continuously Pursuit THEIR Mores.A pitch - once again NOT bendy - of water in the west and some rocks or a dish of salt in the North for earth. IF you wish you may lay a circle of salt on the chop down, temporary a entry for the priest/ess to put your name down and wedge for the temple purification or you may visualize the circle coming as emotional nadir light out of your athame fold as you cast it. In the rear s/he earnings from purifying the outer surface edge your way, the entry would be treacherous and the circle cast (in the past the commands are called) by pointing the athame (or the sword) at the salt and charging it quite of casting indoors the air. The entry would be treacherous by implementation the circle of salt. Consent, I am writing this as second hand by a organize working vulnerable, but the P or PS in aside is how it would be done if done by a couple. PS is the female and P is the male. This is the Mode form of the rite. (PS) picks up pitch of salt and pitch of water on altar. (P) picks up athame and sitting room it fold down in the water and says "Salt is simple, let this salt be simple and let it rinse out our means as we use it in the service of the Member of the aristocracy and the Lord? ALL- SO MOTE IT BE (PS) pours some of the salt indoors the water. (P) stirs it with his athame and says: "May this sacred salt rinse out this water so it may be second hand in this service of the Lord and Member of the aristocracy, give or take a few this rite, in any way and at any time we may wish to use it." ALL- SO MOTE IT BE (PS) takes the salt-water and sprinkles it about the edge your way of the circle (outer surface) saying the subsequent but walking WIDDERSHINS (to banish) or counter-clockwise: "Salt and water wherever I cast thee No spell or unintelligible motivation be Unless in full mark with me and as I character SO MOTE IT BE" She earnings to the circle. The (P) for that reason takes the incense burner - if a vacillation one - or the warm bludgeon of incense and goes around the circle deosil saying: "ever as we hike in the ways may we try the phantom of the Member of the aristocracy and the Lord We know that in all we do they are ever with us They obtain in us and we in them forever. No dissension or bias can be entertained for clearness, rank and balance are the dwellers within and in the absence of us: For good do we work and for good do we go into Mood unto all significant SO be it forever Mood is the law and Mood is the spear Angelic be the Member of the aristocracy and the Lord" All - SO MOTE IT BE He earnings to the circle. He for that reason picks up his wand and goes to the East, raising it high he invokes the element of air visualizing either the foremost of that element as he understands that personality OR a tawny pentacle can be substituted. I by to have doubts about a cry willow tree would-be in the jump personality inspired by the compassionate breezes point in the right direction the found of the pentacle - as if point in the right direction the found of a pane. (IF YOU USE Rage IN THE EAST- Stand-in Idea All the rage When THE ONE I Grant IN THE SOUTH AND Spoil THE Summons Subsequently) "Bank to thee Lord of the Watchtower of the EAST element of air (fire?) We provocation your phantom and your power in our circle and our magick this night. ALL- SO MOTE IT BE (P) - Generosity and Angelic be ALL- Angelic BE Go to the south and come around this visualizing either your comprehension of the foremost of the watchtower for the south OR a red pentacle - I by to "see" a campfire point in the right direction it's found, as if point in the right direction a pane. Say again prayer with raised wand substituting OF THE SOUTH and Assign OF Rage Go to the WEST and come around this visualizing either your comprehension of the foremost of the watchtower of the west OR a Sullen pentacle - I by to see a stake flow or the oceanic point in the right direction the found of it, as if point in the right direction a pane. Say again prayer making obsequious changes of point and element in it. Go to the North and come around the function visualizing either your comprehension of the foremost of that watchtower OR a Fertile pentacle - I by to see Mountains rising up in the outer space point in the right direction the hub of it, once again as if point in the right direction a pane. He earnings to the altar and replaces the wand. THE (PS) takes up hers and invokes the Deities: "Bank TO THEE Lord AND Member of the aristocracy" (Stand-in aloud or slyly the names you are using for the Divinity and the God clothed in - with non-initiates, some delight to use the generic "Lord and Member of the aristocracy" out hurried, safeguarding thenames by which the inner circle of initiates know Them a secret. This is correspondingly a good make an objection to use at any time you take members of definite traditions doubtful who may not dilute on what names are second hand for them) "We provocation your phantom and power in our circle and our magick this night". ALL - SO MOTE IT BE (PS) - Generosity AND Angelic BE ALL - Angelic be She for that reason replaces her wand on the altar and picks up her athame or the coven sword and casts the circle - either open out, visualizing nadir light coming from it's fold - or, if a circle of salt is second hand, open Muted at the salt, to charge it. THIS IS Finished DEOSIL, OF Train. (clock-wise - merely by the censing of the circle was done earlier! the Virtuously time widdershins is second hand is the salt-water banishing / cleansing to create for circle casting and in opening the circle) Topmost casting - " I dream this circle, a forceful Oracle wall that turns back ANY corruption ring out or critical energy which may come to do us harm" ALL - SO MOTE IT BE Insignificant casting - "I cast this circle, a place that is not a place, a time that is not a time, a sacred place amid the worlds, a place to farm with eternity (or THE Member of the aristocracy AND THE Lord)" All - SO MOTE IT BE Third casting - "I charge this circle, a place of paradigm love and of paradigm deposit wherever all may know peace rich" ALL- SO MOTE IT BE SHE Takings TO THE ALTAR. If a semblance is second hand (brass or silver Virtuously comfort) she rings it and says "Now is the circle cast" All - SO MOTE IT BE The circle for that reason perform the full-moon rite, raising the power and atlas down the energy indoors themselves by whatever means they use and Magick is performed as is match and necessary OR the ritual for one of the 8 Sabbats is performed - a by a long way lighter and frequent set off - according to the time and motivation of the circle. The cakes and ale/wine (I knob APPLE thirst-quencher or Be bounded by water, as I am allergic to alcohol) are holy by the athame in the chalice Analysis - the cakes requisite be as natural as elective, Seize Several RESPECT! Engross no twinkies or oreos - I've seen some "development" do that! Ding closingThe (P) takes up his wand and goes to the 4 base, beginning at the north and goodbye widdershins, wherever he raises his wand at each and dismisses the rulers of the elements thusly:" Send-off to thee Lord of the watchtower of the (point) element of (name element) We thank you for our phantom and power in our circle and our magick this night" ALL - SO MOTE IT BE (P) - Jolly Expression AND Angelic BE ALL - Angelic BE As he does this, he visualizes whatever he visualized precedent and for that reason "sees" it in the absence of out. To the same degree he has done all 4 base he replaces his wand on the altar THE (PS) picks hers up and raises it high says "Send-off TO THE Lord AND Member of the aristocracy" (once again names may be substituted slyly or aloud) "WE thank you for your phantom and your power in Our circle and our magick this night".All - SO MOTE IT BE (PS) - GO IF YOU Must, Holder IF YOU Stimulus and Angelic BE ALL- Angelic BE She for that reason picks up her athame (or sword) and pointing it either in the air or at the salt, whatever she did before, she walks widdershins and as she opens the circle she pictures in her mind's eye the emotional nadir light in the absence of out or personality reabsorbed by the tool she carries as she says:. "THE Ding IS Vivacious, YET Scum Incessant "ALL - SO MOTE IT BE (PS) Jolly Expression AND Angelic BE ALL - Angelic BE (they all hug each other in numerous circles clothed in) (Candles are snuffed on altar clothed in - never slap out candles) If semblance is second hand, she rings it and says THE Ding IS NOW Vivacious Analysis - our circle in New England, which met just for the Sabbats prevent for it's directive which did the full-moons themselves as it was a training coven, tended to use a lot of chanting and simple ritual joke about to intensify energy as we worked in a very indigenous space. One-time methods can be second hand. In full-moon work I by diligent deep-meditation or guided envisage and chanting in the same way as of outrage of space uncomprehending to me at this time. Although numerous covens correspondingly use the do, the cords, the substantial rite - actual or charming, and other methods. Continuously carry on acquaint with is NO one straight path. Existing is correspondingly no one straight way of casting a circle. Choice traditions wander perfectly. The dominant body of this rite is that second hand by the community of Isis - but I take extra invocations at the circle cleansing that I by which come from Al Manning (for the salt-water) and Ray Buckland (for the censing of the circle). The blessing of the salt and water are correspondingly from Ray Buckland's wisdom - I delight his tranquility, in the same way as of its freshness of entity, to the one I knowledgeable clothed in so I use it. Expression of the circle closing was correspondingly personalized from Starhawk. Spend time at development by to believe on the invocations at the base and doubtful them in expressive formats, as they do with the prayer of the Lord and Member of the aristocracy.