Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Some Muslims Celebrate Hurricane Sandy

Some Muslims Celebrate Hurricane Sandy

Haunt OUR "Report" Leaf

NOVEMBER 1, 2012

"More than a few MUSLIMS Smear Typhoon SANDY'S Spoil"

On 9/11, heaps Muslims reply the world downright the damage of the Universe Expertise Heart.

In our time, some Muslims are celebrating the pulling down caused by Typhoon Covered in dust. Being this of course is not classic of all Muslims, it is sad tranquil. For example natural disasters assault the Muslim world, America is in attendance to help.

Here's one part of a set of Muslims celebrating.

A Muslim man posted the following theme on a dash Islamic website:

"Ought to WE Smear AND BE Ignite Examination THE Typhoon Opportunity Poles apart STATES IN THE US, OR Ought to WE Sympathize Afterward OUR Man Material BEINGS?"

Sheik and Dr. Nasser Alomar issued a stretched reply at

From one place to another are some excerpts from that reply, translated indoors English:

We and Allah be required to be glowing and we be required to carry out official duties for what has come against the prideful tyrants. America is the top-quality of abuse and cruelty in the vicinity of this century and it uses its money to constraint the Muslim countryside and Muslim nations from the far East to the far West...

Why shouldn't we carry out official duties while the farsighted Muhammad said: "Oh Allah thrust your supremacy on individuals who harm us."

Shouldn't we carry out official duties and be glowing while Allah tenacity the prayers of the oppressed?...

The windstorm that is destroying America is a blessing from Allah, we be required to be lenient and be glowing "to God belongs the order to the front and after; and on that day the believers shall rejoice, in the help of Allah;- Allah helps whom He mettle, and He is potent, genial.-"

Quran: AR-Room 30:4-5


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