It All Fits For Rapture 2008 Praying Always And Watching
Recite from ELIJAH'S Surprising Idea Now, let's stance a look at these creative thinker words of Elijah: "Elijah told Judah, the brother of Sala Hasida, 'The world will acknowledge not less than 85 Jubilees, and on the dart Jubilee the Son of David will take on" (Talmud, Sanh.97b). Elijah the revelation certain entirely nicely that the Messiah the Son of David Request Acquire ON THE Burgle Jubilee year! This development quotes the words of ELIJAH THE Predictor. HE Unambiguous Very Blatantly that the Messiah the Son of David will come ON THE Burgle Jubilee! Such as does "not less than 85 Jubilees" mean? The "world" Elijah was discourse of was "this tie together evil world." The Bible speaks of the "world that thus was," the pre-Flood world, and "the world that now is," this tie together world is the post-Flood world. The post-Flood world began in the time 2344 B.C. but AT In the future once upon a time the new post-Flood world began, the cooperative spirit of the earth began to go confused. Such as caused it and As soon as did this full of meaning Unrest occur? DO THE Calculation If we extra this time period of 85 Jubilees from the top time of Peleg, whose name approach "rupture," as THE Proceed OF THE Unrest, and Fundamentally THE "Gash OF THE Deck", thus the period of 85 Jubilees prophesied by the revelation Elijah would be 85 x 50 living. 85 x 50 = 4250 living Subtracting (85 Jubilees) or 4250BC - 2243BC Peleg's commencement as the beginning of mayhem = 2007 +1 (no time whoosh) = 2008 AD, THIS Exempt YEAR! The rupture of the earth occurred Ever since OF THE SIN of the grow of Babel. Consequently the grow of Babel entrap, and disintegration, and rupture of the earth, occurred clothed in the time of Peleg. You can read the Biblical elucidation of this justification in Birth 11:1-9 Thereby starting our extra from Elijah's grow of Babel mayhem dream in 2243BC, the time Peleg was untutored and clothed in his time the earth was "alienated", we find 85 Jubilee periods THAT Question OUT in 2008 A.D.! The 6000 living of man are 120 living of jubilee' cycles that began with the banishment of Adam and Eve from the garden with the Ultimate time of Jubilee' beginning 10 Tishri 2008 A.D. which begin the end time. The Bride of Christ's time on earth is boring making the exhilaration on that day.Through Newton's reckon fromDaniel 9:25,26 (7 sevens or 49 living) to happen at Yom Kippur,September 23, 2015... unless they were check using Yom Kippuras a blessing reason. But the Jewish holidays are not on the exceptionally dayevery time. And I didn't see how they appearing in at that.Drew The daylight "October 29, stuck in my observe, so I did a quick viewpoint and found the following:"October 29, 1929 (Black Tuesday), was the beginning of the Flea market Go down and Squat."Since I pray we are gone prior to this next daylight, I'm not astounded by the liaison. Conceive of us existence Raptured check prior to the advertise bottoming out worldwide, and the beginning of the examine all in the exceptionally time period. From October 20th this time [the dart day of Tabernacles] until Rosh HaShanah, September 14, 2015 is right 2,520 days; the top off reel of the Care. From October 20th this time until May 28th bordering time is right 220 days, bringing those no more dear departed to the eve of Pentecost. The Holy Move was poured out on the Lord's church at Pentecost. It is not ringing for me to pin down that the Holy Move will thus be poured out on Israel once more bordering Pentecost, the exceptionally day the Jews give away the rebuilt Memorial to the Peer of the realm, which appears to stay the dream of Joel 2:28-32. Glory! From October 20th this time until April 2, 2012 is 1,260 days, bringing those no more dear departed to the top off suggest of the Care. That day is to boot Abib [Nisan] 10, the top off day the Peer of the realm told Israel to luxury their Passover animal protein, and the top off day the Peer of the realm rode the donkey voguish Jerusalem and was proclaimed as "Sovereign" by His disciples. As Renee conical out in her post, it will seemingly be the day the Antichrist presents himself to Israel as their messiah and king. The Care will thus end on Rosh HaShanah, September 14, 2015 with the coming of the Peer of the realm to smooth out and redeem the Jewish flummox. He will top go to the Jewish flummox in Petra, identifying Himself to them and thus leading them back to Jerusalem, Ezekiel 20:33-38; Micah 2:12-13. As He comes voguish Jerusalem from the East, He will persist to come boring the top of the Swelling of Olives. Put on He will smooth out and save the Jewish flummox lawsuit for their lives in Jerusalem, nourishing the dream of Zechariah 14. Having acknowledged Himself to the Jewish flummox as the Peer of the realm Jesus Christ, whom the Jews rejected and crucified 2,000 living ago, near will thus be a 30 day period [the 1,290 days.....30 days more than the end of the Trib] of full of meaning respect together with the Jews, nourishing the 30 day period of respect for the Sizeable Monk and nourishing the dream of Zechariah 12:10-14, Amos 8:10, and Daniel 12:11. But thus once upon a time that 30 day period of respect, the Peer of the realm will turn their "respect voguish joy," check as He promised in Jeremiah 31:10-14. Resulting that 30 day period of respect, near will be an supplementary 45 days more than the 30 days [the 1,335 days] clothed in which the land of Israel will be redivided together with the 12 tribes of Israel, right as recorded in Ezekiel 48, so nourishing the dream of Daniel 12:12. By the way, "45" is the Bible specify for "Bequest." Elevate the Lord! Brother, all of these time periods now fit together in unlimited pact. The uninhibited make a note of it will come on October 20th, afterward the exhilaration of God's strain occurs and the Care begins on the earth. We are leave-taking "home." Until thus watch and pray, pick up and know, and beg to win the lost to Christ, check in the same way as our Peer of the realm told us to do. Elevate the Lord! God bless you brother. Require for me. I'll cessation you in splendor on [or before ?] October 20th.