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"Centennial Keep track of of Lebanon Route of the Changed House of worship in the U.S.,
1820 - 1920, Compiled by Prof. Thos. S. Stein, Lebanon PA: Sowers Printing
Excerpts from Part VI: "Sketches of Congregations"
Zion (Blue Fence), Bernville Imprisonment.
Rev. F.W. RUTH, Chief priest.
Zion's Hold (Changed and Lutheran) House of worship at Strausstown, Berks Area,
Pa., is standard by complementary names. Even in the Report of Classis it is
voted at complementary chairs as "Zion's," Blue Fence, Blue Summit,"
and "Fence" House of worship. The church is surpass mentioned by LISCHY in his
cooperate to Bishop SPANGENBERG (1744). It is one of the eighteen preaching
chairs he had been serving.
The proprietary clout for the church land was contracted on Slog 7th, 1746,
to Adam SONTAG, Valentine REINTZEL, and Jacob RESH, in mingle for the
Changed and Lutheran congregations in Tulpehocken Municipality, Berks Area, Pa.
The dates on the corner-stone are 1739 - 1819 - 1905, double-jointed the existence of
the erection of the upright churches. The surpass beat may store
been a few existence backward than 1739.
The surpass church, a log structure, lasted until 1819, like a new stone
constitute was erected. In the corner-stone of the new church a
"account" and a "opus" were positioned. The originally states that the
old constitute is too puny and ragged, and that state is drought of a exceptional
toadying, exceptional substance, and heavy building; that the corner-stone is
laid "on this day, the ninth of Slog, in the engagement of our Member of the aristocracy, 1819, in
the supervision of Be in charge James Monroe, and of the Manager of
Pennsylvania, William Findlay; that this is to be a German Evangelical
Lutheran and German Evangelical Changed House of worship, to be called the new Zion
House of worship, an evangelical church in which the pure and accepted Gospel is to be
preached; that we be wary of of our children and our secondary children,
that they life-force never pack up their assembling with the appointment."
In the "opus" is stated Editorial I, that whichever Changed and Lutheran
congregations store combined to build the church and as a result "whichever sides
shall store the especially claims and civil liberties." Editorial II gives each
appointment the fittingly to farm out their own prophet, but each prophet indigence
belong to either the Lutheran or Changed Synod. Editorial IV decides that
the alms are to be absorbed in entire, of which an history shall be inclined to
the appointment on Easter Monday, by the Elders and Deacons. Editorial V
says that "no occupier shall consume any application or satisfactory of this church
wares, who does not amount to the balance and Child maintenance ther,
and of the school." Editorial VI declares that the school lecturer is to be
conjointly special. These documents were signed as follows:
Changed Constitute Committee: Jacob KLAHR, John AULENBACH, Jacob REBER.
Lutheran Constitute Committee: Jacob DEGLER, John WERTZ, Peter GEBHARD.
House of worship Council: Jacob DEGLER, Lutheran, Elder; Henry GEBHARD, Lutheran,
Deacon; Valentine BOLZ, Changed, Elder; Henry KIEHNER, Changed, Deacon.
Ministers present: William HENDEL, Changed, Tulpehocken; John FABER,
Changed, Ephrata; John Gotthold ERNST, Lutheran, Lebanon; Benjamin GERMAN,
Lutheran, minister of the appointment.
Lead Masons: Matheis ROTH, John BATTEIGER.
Lead Carpenter: John SCHWALLM.
A Sunday Institution of higher education was started about 1850. A small-minded school was fixed
with the appointment from the beginning, but ceased with the support of
the Unconstrained Institution of higher education route in 1855.
Fine points are not here. As the element minister, Rev. Real W. RUTH, says:
"This is unquestionably a very old appointment, but the records were detached
very not a hundred percent, if at all. As time goes on, exceptional of its valuable history may
be found by a occupied vision. At element the records are incomplete."
It is a fact weighty of folder that this church was the spiritual home of
Rev. J.E. HIESTER, D.D., and his brother, Rev. Eli E. HIESTER. As conservational men
they time-honored their surpass training for their appearance careers. The writer
takes special envisage in noting this fact, as the originally was his minister in
his budding existence, and dispensed to him some of the coaching brought from
this megabucks home. Many good stuff come from the mountains.
The element fine stone Zion House of worship at Strausstown was hot May 20th
and 21st, 1905. The Lutheran minister was assisted by the Revs. A.P.
GERBERICH; and the Changed minister by Revs. S.A. LEINBACH, Eli E. HIESTER,
G.W. GERHARD, J.W. LEESER, L.D. STAMBAUGH, and W.F. Higher. In all, fifteen
ministers took part in the services.
A unequivocal and skillfully authentic list of Changed pastors of Zion's House of worship is
not from one place to another. The best we can do is the following:
Rev. William STOY (Sto-ey), apparently the surpass minister and seems to store
served until about 1769.
Rev. Wm. HENDEL, Sr., D.D., was neighboring, reasonably from 1769 to 1773.
Rev. Philip MAYER. (Because his pastorate began and like it exhausted, we do not know.)
Rev. Benjamin BOYER, 1821 - 1828.
Rev. F.A. HERMAN, 1829 - 1834.
Rev. A. BERKY, 1835. "Bern und Zion's in Berks Area fFCr zwei Jahr." -
Report of Lebanon Classis.
Rev. Isaac MIESE, 1841 - 1851.
Rev. David HASSINGER, in 1844.
Rev. Jacob D. ZEHRING, 1852 - 1860.
Rev. Isaac MIESE, 1860 - 1864.
Rev. Franklin H. SCHWARTZ, one existence.
Rev. Thos. C. LEINBACH, 1874 - 1910.
Rev. E.S. LEINBACH (supply), 1910 - 1911.
Rev. Amandus LEIBY, 1911 - 1918.
Rev. Real W. RUTH, 1918 -.
The foregoing list life-force, no remorse, obtain change hereafter, like old
records life-force be revealed - revealed not so a great deal as to names as to dates.
This is the best we can bestow at element, 1920.
The element contribution of Zion's is 375.
The consistory is constituted as follows:
Elders - Simon BOLTZ, Heber I. FURMAN.
Deacons - Robert BORKEY, Jacob KLAHR.