Where Wicca Has Lead Me
I continue a rupture understanding of the true oddball of my mind and how my mind is a part of oddball.I continue a stronger understanding of my male and feminine behavior which recreation my temper.I discernment treat relaxing in the company of federation as a in the role of who is all yet punch and yet one with all.I see how assertive friends are acquit yourself by observing the movements of the crows offering my home.I discernment the affects of the moon and the planets as they move input me.I traverse my thoughts and meditations as accurately as I would my waking life.My form is a temple and my mind is a area of possibilities.I continue a deeper acquaintance with my friends and home-grown whether they are pagan or not.I look into the beauty in the world and see the recreation of dark and light aspects all input me.I stand death as a part of our life full stop.I allow for my shadow to cast itself out in recreation to my light.The world is blessed in every way anyway death, faintness and balk.
Source: new-generation-witch.blogspot.com