Magical Scripts And Cipher Alphabets
BOOK: Charm SCRIPTS AND Secret language ALPHABETS BY NU ISIS Operation HeapAlso obvious as the Alphabet of Honorius, the Witches' Alphabet, etc. It is referred to the Latin alphabet and on paper dead to right (the spell individuality, referred to the Greek Omega, is not customarily recycled as a note down, rather as a period ordividing wall). This script was popularised by Agrippa's De Occulta Philosophia (it appears in lib. III cap. XXIX, De characteribus et sigillis spritiuum), on the contrary it may retain appeared in earlier works such as the Polygraphia of Trithemius. The alphabet is usually certified to one 'Honorius the Theban', probably the screenwriter of the Liber Juratus (the Sworn Procure of Honorius), a medieval work on magic, on the contrary as far as I am stirring this script does not spread in that work.Download Nu Isis Operation Group's eBook: Charm Scripts And Secret language AlphabetsKeywords: taoism within at the rear of mahavira jainism relativity fire techniques satanism guide hinduism predetermined basics magick distinction concerning magick witchcraft louise huebner rosae aureae crucis teutonic practices germanic witchcraft charles untold together justification witchcraft phelon