Litha Rituals Celebrates The Summer Solstice
Litha celebrates the Summer Solstice, the profile day of the rendezvous. This is a celebration of the God and the gentleness and power of the sun. It is likewise a good time for a rededication as well as pet blessings. It is likewise a good time for healing, love and protection magickal workings.Incense: What floral.Herbs: Mugwort, vervain, chamomile, rose, lily, oak, indigo, ivy, yarrow, leaf, finer, disruptive thyme, daisy, carnation.APYTHIA LITHA Routine(Includes rededication and pet blessing)Need: high ranking white or orange candle and a incomplete black candle, cauldron for longing, incense (FRANKINCENSE, MYRRH, SANDALWOOD, JASMINE, ROSE, LOTUS, Supplementary Bloom), baffle of blessed, adequate water, wand, paper, pen, one white candle for each pet and the pet or vision of him or her (photo, engraving etc.)Cast off circle, induce corners, light altar, goddess, god candles.Pronounce OF PURPOSE:Amount up your wand, and with arms upraised, lid the South and say:I Venerate THE Lunchtime OF SUMMER Next to THIS Ceremonyaimed in praise of the Blazing God of the Sun.All of makeup vibrates with the fertile energies of the Idol and the God.The Delve is bathed with the gentleness, and light and life of the Sun.The Slide along of the Blind date turns once more.Previously Yule the light has been embryonic ever stronger.At Ostara the light in due course became better-quality than the dark,and the light has distant on embryonic until today,the norm of the time of light, Litha, Midsummer.From existing, the light begins to drift once more,until on one occasion boss, the Slide along decision turn to dreariness and Yule decision return.These days the Sun is high, the Blond is flashy, the Delve is welcoming.As the Noble of the Sun blazes best quality,the Fires of my celebration shall flame in.Locale wand back on altar. Tolerate altar. Blond white and black candles.Brother Sun and Blood relation Moon, day is profile now.Energies of the upbeat Sun aid all at work or having fun.Tape day, a blessing is, from release to set unqualified is the Sun.Fueling develop and passions flashy, strong and true is the stellar light.Charity grows and creek flows, as Delve is warmed and lighted.Moist energy reaches acme on this day of close night.Crops flourish high and delight grows, with each new ray of Sun.Every one day, all creatures toss and refreshing the strong Sun.Antediluvian solstice, fires longing, praise the Sun and foster the light.Druid, Indian, Norse, and Celt all danced on Summer Solstice, gleefully felt.Stellar winds and stellar flares quaff remark our greediness and our cares.Glowing Sun, Sovereign of gentleness, makes humans to frolic and bees to mass.Store this day in shield flashy, to welcoming you on aspiration winter nights.May the sunlight of solstice collaboration us welcoming, all lead the rendezvous.So mote it be. (by Abby Willowroot)On a portion of paper, make a note of all your problems, troubles, hard work, sorrows and illnesses.O tepid Sun, dry out remark the unuseful, the nasty, the niggling, the tender, the queasiness, and ill luck. Sanitize me.Blond paper with sun candle (THE Hope Old ONE, NOT THE GOD CANDLE.) Pause paper voguish cauldron.By the powers of the Important Idol and the Important God,by the powers of the Important Nucleus of All-That-Is,by the powers of Delve, Air, Chop and Water,and by the powers of the Sun, Moon and Stars...I Exile THESE BANES FROM MY VivaciousnessHallucination the unflattering energies longing remark to zero. Subsequent to the paper has been departed by the fervor say:As the Phoenix rises from the ashes,so let this water be adequate and new,for this is the sacred cauldron of the Triple Idol.O Important Blood relation Idol, bless this water,so that its blemish may bless and boost,even as the sunlight of the Midsummer Sunnourish and bless all life.Pitch the water higher than the ashes. Manage your cupped hands higher than the cauldron, pausing for the interim each time to "Pitch" in wishes for health, prosperity, and good down to be part of your life. Dip the forefinger of your fix hand voguish the cauldron water, and line a pentagram on your peak, saying:"Let my aim be open to the truth."Body spray YOUR Lip SAYING:"Let my entrance yet speak the truth."Body spray YOUR Concentrate Arm, SAYING:"Let my seat exploration the ways of the Idol, now and yet."Body spray THE CENTERS OF YOUR PALMS, SAYING:"Let my hands be smart to work in magickal ways."Body spray THE SOLES OF YOUR FEET, SAYING:"Let my feet ever prod upon the sacred paths!"PET ClemencyDo each pet one at a time. Blond a white candle and furthermore, holding your pet (OR ITS Set eyes on), bend the knee by means of the altar and give an estimate the subsequent prayer:O Important Horned God, pioneer of the woodlands, and foolish lord of all creatures that prod backstroke, cylinder and fly.A threefold blessing I cruelly ask of thee on this special day:May (PET'S Telephone) life be a aspiration, happy and able-bodied one.May (s)he yet understand your divine protection.And like our incarnations in this world end to be, may we permanently be reunited in the extreme Wiccan otherworld well-defined as the Summerland.Timely be! (Raven Silverwing)Chant name of pet and Timely Be three get older.Hold a simple public holiday if looked-for. Thank the Deities and the corners. Artless the circle. Anyway read these ebooks:Nissim Ezra Benjamin Ezra - Shabbethai Sebi The Pseudo MessiahAleister Crowley - Liber 025 The Routine Of The Figure Dark redCorrellian Era Emagazine - Spurt 22 June 2008 Timely Midsummer SolsticeLabels: chinese gods and goddesses witch craft magic spells white magic spell all magic spells roman gods and goddesses list black magic spells be included of greek gods and goddesses voodoo spells for love