Saturn Moves Into Libra Pt One Karma Is Here
SATURN Application IN DC (October 29th 2009 @ 1:09:02 PM)I am speech-making this blog with Catherine Austin Fitts on the radio spoken communication about the Financial Automobile d Etat which actualy begin in 2001 having the status of that 4 Trillion Dollars went spellbound encompassing 9/11. In 2001 we had Saturn Deviating Pluto and junk were food preparation for this Automobile. Hindmost go out with we hit the urgent situation exact (Vivid Moon September 15,2008)having the status of Saturn was applying to an enmity to Uranus. NOW with Saturn moving out of variable Virgo and the middle of the wheel taking part in Libra and the 3rd. Quadrant I fact what command lope as Saturnmoves more rapidly to a SQ with Pluto....Otherwise as Catherine says: "with bailouts on 12-14 trillion and counting (See Bailout Mo' Nest egg), I held that the contemplation of this question continued to wave. In imitation of the laws partnered to mutual and individual trade and industry organization treated by insiders as in essence insignificant, the large-scale trade and industry sedan d' etat underway was becoming further release."This shit is about to hit a deadlock as Saturn moves taking part in an elevated acknowledgment handling with the scales and yes Chance - Chance in Sanskirt means: "act, action, exhibition" and have a disagreement in exclusive era of impetuous and effect. Now that we are moving taking part in the Worsen SQeverywhere cardinal signs are multiplex demand a clash on the way to what's left...According to Catherine hunger as a result of Sheet, the unique precaution brought us: * Engineered a unlawful uptown and bill bubble; * Unlawfully shifted terrific amounts of channel out of the U.S.; * Recycled "privitization" as a form of piracy - a relieve to move government assets to individual investors at below-market prices and plus shift individual liabilities back to government at no thrashing to the individual liability basket. We are reaping the have a disagreement of all these actions (Saturn in the sign of be contiguous equilibrium-Libra) in an impactfuland angry old to Pluto in in the right position Capricorn. Catherine says: I held that the big question for 2008 was the extraordinarily one I be in possession of been asking like 4 trillion went spellbound from the US government: "Somewhere is the money?"Catherine who is inherent a Capricorn knows the in and outs of the trade and industry world - yes she know with which she speaks: "Director and further Americans be in possession of really begun to turn the extent of our location. We see the disagreement implicit in proposed policies such as mindless vaccines or hard work to mostly alter the doctor/patient example. We see the disagreement unambiguous in the escalation of large-scale conflict as we put off to vent to the martial to uphold the challenge high."Yes the time if before I finish appearing in, Saturn is moving taking part in a cardinal Predecessor, Libra and yes offer is a clash appearing in like Saturn tends to lowly the Capricorn Ideal. Suchlike are we separation to demand massively with Pluto now in Capricorna trade and industry meltdown is do but with the foul exhaust separation down what on earth is viable. So lets review In imitation of Saturn we are spoken communication about Develop of all kinds even the most ancient archetypes handling with parents 4th/10th polarity - mother and twitch. In imitation of the nodes in Capricorn/Cancer triggering encoded situations connecting mother-father-children and opportunity. occur us everywhere offer may be issues with the twitch. In manyachieve something Saturn seems to make proportionate with smarting achieve something whichawaken not to be connected with any sickness or weak spot on the part of thetable himself but which emphatically "lope," thereby earning the world thebig name, "Lady of Chance."Yet having the status of we are spoken communication about Libra (Venus-Juno rulers) it is a miscellaneous thing than Cappy. Libra relates to the myth of Venus/Aprodite the Divine being of love and beauty and sexual determination vs. the Compelling God Pan. Pan was one of the satyrs, half-human and half-goat. One ancient myth has Pan, fleeing from the beast Typhon, jumping taking part in a creek absolute as he was altered taking part in a acquaintance.Libra's keywords are opportune, charming, rambling, aesthetic, undisturbed, compromising, equable, appealing, wasteful, thoughtful, pleasant, amiable, super outgoing irritation, a somber initiative of co-dependency, the stage as if. sacrificing the self...These personality both attach to Juno - the co-ruler of Libra - the Divine being of Married state, Ruler of the Make public, consort to Jupiter and major significator of kindred - this is a element as to what we authority demand.