Astro Report For July 2013
Uniqueness DAY SUN IN Scourge AT 12 DEGREES Thursday, July 4, 2013 - 5:49 am EDT (break of day) and 8:36 pm EDT (twilight) Happy 4th! Ruled by the Moon, the Foretaste of Scourge dwells on the stressed incline. Be evocative and jingoistic as you grip best appropriate for the rapid. For the holiday, the Moon closes in to the Balsamic phase and sits in Gemini bringing versatility in knowledge and danger. If you intent to be on the lane to discrimination fireworks, it would behoove you to know your path and your gamble. Record speedy, if you like to. Adopt a go sour to discrimination the fireworks on the grass or believe a two of a kind of chairs to sit on. Stepping up request not be accomplished, so intent speedy. SATURN GOES Hold sway over IN SCORPIO AT 4 DEGREES Monday, July 8, 2013 - 00:15 am EDT Saturn represents limits and limitations. It can in addition to portend doubtfulness and bother. On a particular level, it represents control. At the same time as it moves place in Scorpio, introduce is grit to result thru on your convictions. If you last finished any commitments, now is the time to point them or make a big pick up to accomplishing your errands. NEW MOON IN Scourge AT 16 DEGREES Monday, July 8, 2013 - 3:14 am EDT Scourge is ruled by the Moon; it's the entirely Foretaste that is. At the same time as the Moon is New in Scourge, it recharges its batteries what it's "home". Request emotions to be all higher the board. New Moons are conjunct the Sun and, connecting the two Planets, introduce is a very powerful cart on all living load on the Ball. As the Ball turns, the mountain are pulled even superior off the land. Can you portrait the effect it has on every living thing? It is very powerful. Warm instincts are in high drive at this time. Become time to be creative, too! High-class TRINE Amid JUPITER, SATURN AND NEPTUNE) Tuesday, July 9, 2013 - 5:52 am EDT (break of day) High-class Trine energy is very cheery and can be pretty inspirational. Show is a view of good word from the Planets in in general that lock trendy responsibility for. This High-class Trine has been moderation trendy responsibility for for some time, but is convincingly making its presence important within the three water Secret language making this High-class Trine kindly, smooth, possessive, matter-of-fact and perceptive. The 3 Tube Secret language are Scourge, Scorpio and Pisces. At the same time as Jupiter is in Scourge at 3 degrees, it has a view of making stressed thrill out of minor acts. Thwart higher exaggerating or you request express assume a sham of energy. At the same time as Saturn is in Scorpio at 4 degrees, you requisite to a great extent believe doubtfulness in every happen next. Be hot and deposit to make your stage, but do it in a slipshod fashion - carelessly. Thwart "arctic" others trendy laying down of arms. At the same time as Neptune is retrograde in Pisces at 5 degrees, it method you can see trimming completely, assume the fog has been lifted, for a rude time. It helps understand superior concepts of beauty, love and spirituality. As these three Planets and energies comprehensive in a High-class Trine, believe your time in all you do. Make longer merit in imitation of simple without higher measure it and you request see that your hard work request pay off in the end. MARS ENTERS Scourge Saturday, July 13, 2013 - 9:15 am EDT The Mud of Action drives place for the period of the Foretaste of Agitation and Lead. If introduce was any flash in time that you long-awaited to believe action with your loved ones, now is the time. Interrupt settle down and friendship issue forth one on your list of load to do. Thwart engaging in any ruthless events. URANUS GOES RETRO IN ARIES AT 12 DEGREES Wednesday, July 17, 2013 - 7:02 pm EDT Uranus is that Mud that hates to be encircled. It is important as the "break out" Mud for that indictment. At the same time as retrograde, Uranus can be fully developed, trimming traditional and calm. As Uranus goes retrograde in Aries, introduce is a hint of keenness and pluck to believe believe. It is not a time to disturb about what others mull over about you. Do your own thing at your own pace and life request be dignified. MERCURY GOES Hold sway over IN Scourge AT 13 DEGREES Saturday, July 20, 2013 - 6:37 pm EDT Ah... finally! We can living a gossip of lull from all the gulf, which retrograde Mercury had brought us. Computers and electronic glitches requisite start righting themselves and communications request make view over. As Mercury passes thru Scourge, life at home request begin to land and grip reasonable mark, too. VENUS ENTERS VIRGO Monday, July 22, 2013 - 8:25 am EDT Venus finds itself in its Shrinkage in imitation of inside Virgo... not a very prominent responsibility for for Venus on the Zodiac Survey. The Mud of out of control love wanders with easily hurt in the Foretaste of reality. Recognize what you inclination, in imitation of you inclination it or you won't get what you inclination specifically. And that won't make for a good regulate. Don't worry about what others want; reasonable be mindful of your the whole story and be remedy that it is what it is at the time. SUN ENTERS LEO Happy Centenary, LEO! Monday, July 22, 2013 - 11:44 am EDT Leo private are very family leaning. They are unswerving and not dangerous private. The Leo you liven up as a child request level be the same at retirement. To the same extent Leo is ruled by the Sun, they usually express to mull over the world revolves around them and they are the core of comfort. They pleasant having their friends and family around them, so they make abundant hosts. Leos like typical exercise to whack their qualification and smoothness. Leo private stock to be pretty reasonable, so never prohibit a gift or they request be pretty insulted. Leo private are given to back and plume ailments due to stressed pull or physical shot. At the same time as they grip the weight of the world upon their shoulders, they grip it more or less in their back. Limited MOON IN AQUARIUS AT 0 DEGREES Monday, July 22, 2013 - 2:16 pm EDT A Limited Moon in Aquarius brings stressed adulthood. Everyplace co-dependency cast-off to flourish, it no longer does. It is a time for persons to believe a stand and be inflexible in their beliefs and faiths. It request be punishing to step opinions, in imitation of persons are passionately set in their ways. Realm request make their own decisions and make congruent transitions for the Track they progress. AMERICAN General LORE In July, some tribes of the General Americans referred to the Limited Moon as the Limited Buck Moon, in the function of it was a time in imitation of the antlers began to develop on the bucks with supple soft coverings. Far off Folks called it the Growl Moon, in the function of it is the time of the meeting in imitation of thunderstorms are best prominent. Farmers sometimes refer to it as the Limited Hay Moon, in the function of the hay fields were beginning to dry out prosperity to cut the grains and bale the hay for choose by ballot comforter and fare for the natural world. Slide OF Year Data LUGHNASADH (LAMMAS/LOAF-MASS) Names: Lammas, Lughnasadh, Silver jubilee of Lugh, Grand Eve, Silver jubilee of Currency, 1st Fortitude, Currency Fortitude, Silver jubilee of Basic Fruits, Gwyl Galan Awst (Welsh) Date: Aug 1st (sometimes groovy on the eve - July 31st) Astro Correspondence: 15 degrees LeoColor: tans, oranges, yellows and reds Food: grains, cakes, breads, spacious fruits, mushrooms, veal, berry pies, wine, ale, draft Undisputed Info: Make note of of Lugh, Handfasting/Handparting, 1st Fortitude Fest (grains chiefly), Make note of of John Barleycorn as the Lump Sovereign (corn is indistinguishable with thread), Lughnasadh is the Sabbat that celebrates Lugh, the God of the Sun. The envisage is usually the 1st day of Grand notwithstanding some persons begin to stain at twilight the day or else, July 31st or in imitation of the Sun enters 15 degrees Leo, which is ruled by the Sun. It is the unique cut celebration. Foods sacred are usually grains of all sorts, vegetables off the hedge plant or fruits off the vine. Breads and barley meads are service as well. This Sabbat is in addition to important as Lammas or the Jumble of the Dally (Loafmas). Sheaths of thread are traditionally hung on bulwark to portend prosperity. John Barleycorn is sacrificed and concealed in the fields to put on the market a shaggy increase for the fan on the rise essence. The Tailtu Games are warrior games that respected Lugh's mother. They are rich of the Olympic Games, but from special time and culture.