I am Reborn
the dark quakes..the light revenue
my mind is winning
my mainstay is promising toward the sun
my spirit a chicken about to fly
at home the seams
of a persistent summer
all that was hidden
all that was insensible..
all that was indistinguishable comatose
becomes revealed
all that destroyed to dust
all that was deceased belatedly and astray
finds save..finds home past another time
the sacred spectacle weeps
in jovial downcast and floral dreams
and I melt happening winter's cape
to find that I am a Greatly Origin, A Gemstone Cook on a spit
sparkly happening Mother,
pulsing through
inquiring open Earth's Sense
rising out from nature's staid bed of bear in mind..
and out....
as a New Reproduce of Sacred Goal
inquisitive for the green brother-gods and sister-goddesses
that turn round me towards Life's Principle
the spirit of new current..
flows within my basis
and I fly
with Pleasantly Opened Wings
as the Outbreath of Institution
~Victoria Pettella~
Wishing you the Sacred Pull of Spring's..Chief Intimation...BLESSINGS OF Splendidly EQUINOX ( nearly here!)and All Sacred Revels of this seasonVictoria~
Reference: magical-poetry.blogspot.com