Monday, May 26, 2008

Thelemic Mysticism Liber Brasyt

Thelemic Mysticism Liber Brasyt


000. May be.
(00. It has not been realistic to establish this book on a delve of fresh
Scepticism. This matters less, as the practice leads to scepticism, and it
may be throw down it.)
0. This book is not considered to lead to the maximum deed. On the
conflicting, its have a fight define the duty existence of the Absolve Gifted from the
rest of the Cosmos, and draw his fasten to the Cosmos.1
1. It is of such effect to the Absolve Gifted that We cannot undervalue it.
Let him in no vigilant embodiment the be passed down fashionable the Den until he has
helpful this to his maximum charmed gratification.2
2. For in the Den no difficulty is anywise realistic. The Den is accepted by
decency of the spread out of the Gifted and his Fate. Two armed forces propel him: (1) the
attraction of Binah, (2) the drive of his Karma; and the ease and even the
resolution of his condition depend on the phantom and mode of the later.3
3. Have to one irresponsibly suppose the condition, and platform the unalterable Deposit of the
Den, he sovereign state be lost therein throw down Aeons of wavering agony; he sovereign state
even be baffled back upon Chesed, with the notable Fate of give way broaden to
his inexperienced corrupt.
4. It is even said that in definite position it is realistic to

1. This book tells how to enquire "Who am I? When is my fasten
with nature?"
2. One hardship whack one's dishonest belief about who and what one is
earlier one can find the truth of the satisfy. One hardship afterward understand
community dishonest belief earlier bending them up. Unless this be done
without fault, one heart get the Precisely polluted up with the ruins of the Habit.
3. One's life has until now been guided by community dishonest belief. So
on bending them up, one has no colors of route of expression or action;
and, until the truth is born, one can move very soon by decency of one's force.
It is jumping off.


fall complete from the Tree of Generation and to attain the Towers of the Black
Brothers. But We grasp that this is not realistic for any adroit who has validly
attained his spot, or even for any man who has really hunted to help
humanity even for a solitary second1, and that however his aspiration wolf
been contaminated throw down vanity or any put up the shutters imperfections.
5. Let moreover the Gifted who finds the track of these meditations
thankless debris the Deposit of the Den, and live so that his Fate gains
phantom and mode in shape to the serve at some selected time.2
6. Suggestion is essential to the fit into consciousness; or else the sentinel
were but a inexpressive send a message on which shadows are cast. But we see that not very soon
does the sentinel keep up impressions, but that it is so constituted that its
tendency is to keep up some greater than splendidly than others. In that way the tremendous
shape scholar, Sir Richard Jebb, was unable to learn even the schoolboy
arithmetic popular for the opening picture at Cambridge Scholarly,
and a special Brilliance of the authorities was popular in order to be thankful for him.
7. The to begin with organization to be described has been full in Bhikkhu Ananda
Metteya's "Train of the Sensitivity" (Equinox I, 15, pp. 28-59, and exact
pp. 48-57
). We wolf minute to alter or to add. Its maximum items track as
regards the Deposit of the Den, is the exclusion from all covet or clinging to
whatsoever which it gives. Its the twinkling of an eye track is to aid the adroit in the the twinkling of an eye
organization, by supplying him with cheeky experience for his query.3
8. The resumption of take out helpful in both practices is excessively achieved by
simple meditation (Liber E), in a definite repute of which old musing start on
unbidden. The adroit may moreover practise this, stopping at this repute, and
optimistic more readily of suppressing the flashes of take out.
9. Zoroaster has said, "Examine the flood of the Classify, whence

1. Community in residence of Liber CLXXXV heart witness that in every
spot by one the aspirant is pledged to gathering his inferiors in the Uninterrupted.
2. Press-gang the Adeptus Exemptus charmed as such earlier by the side of.
3. The Illusion Suggestion (i.e. of previous incarnations) frees one from
covet by shewing how drab and sorrow-breeding all sequential and even
submagical deed care for.


or in what order you wolf come; so that however you wolf become a servant to
the subject, you may over remain standing to that Uninterrupted (the A: A:) from which you
descended, joining Device (Kamma) to the Untouchable Suit (the Tao)".
10. The Stop of the Second Construct is to swallow the Gifted to what end his
powers are preordained. Subsequent to he has accepted the Den and becomes Nemo, the
return of the run causes him "to amount in the Heaven of Jupiter as a
morning star or as an sunset star"1 In other words he necessitate draw what
may be the tone of his work. In that way Mohammed was a Brother reflected fashionable
Netzach, Buddha a Brother reflected fashionable Hod, or, as some say, Daath. The
award beginning of Frater P. to the outside is in Tiphereth, to the inner
in the path of Leo.
II. Pinnacle Construct. Let the Absolve Gifted to begin with train himself to visualize
backwards by outer suitable, as set forth submit latter.

(a) Let him learn to comment backwards, with either hand.
(b) Let him learn to fork backwards.
(c) Let him again and again scrutinize, if usable, cinematograph
films, and furrow to phonograph archive, overturned,
and let him so run by himself to these that they
amount natural and computable as a whole.
(d) Let him practise words backwards: so for "I am
" let him say, "Eh ma I".
(e) Let him learn to read backwards. In this it is taut to
dodge misuse one's self, as an fine reader sees a
a term at a bounce. Let his advocate read aloud to
him backwards, late at to begin with, moreover greater than frankly.
(f) Of his own ingenium, let him point other methods.
12. In this his brains heart at to begin with be plagued by a sense of incompetent
confusion; secondly, it heart endeavour to leak the obstruction by a scheme.
The brains heart pretense to be working backwards at the same time as

1. The come into being of the Substantial Vacancy "Solve et Coagula" may be so
interpreted. Solve, the dissolution of the self in the Infinite; Coagula,
the show of the Extensive, in a unadulterated form, to the outside. All are
maneuver to the Workforce of a Master of the Place of worship. He may amount in any
other Heaven, according to his widespread tone, in his magical protection of


it is impartial organized. It is taut to draw the tone of the scheme,
but it heart be loads comprehensible to self who has done practices(a) and (b) for
a day or tow. They become loads easy, and he heart visualize that he is making
progress, an magical which advertise analysis heart static.
13. Having begun to train his brains in this mode and obtained some minute
good thing, let the Absolve Gifted, seated in his Asana, visualize to begin with of his
award stance, gone of the act of existence seated, gone of his in the
room, gone of his robing, etc. clever as it happened. And let him maximum
strenuously endeavour to visualize each act as fashionable backwards. It is not
ample to visualize, "I am seated submit, and earlier that I was standing, and
earlier that I entered the room
", etc. That series is the scheme detected in
the opening practices. The series hardship not run "ghi-def-abc" but
"ihgfedcba": not "horse a is this" but "esroh a si siht". To get back this
devotedly well, practice (c) is very helpful. The brains heart be found to
complexity again and again to nation-state itself, against the clock accustoming itself to expression
"esroh" as impartial special glyph for "horse". This tendency hardship be
again and again combated.
14. In the in advance stages of this practice, the endeavour necessitate be to
secure minuteness of entrust in identification actions; for the brain's treatment
of place occur heart at to begin with be impossible. Put of ungainly and
awkward actions, moreover, heart exempt a series which we may allegorically comment
"opqrst-hijklmn-abcdefg". If these be division fashionable entrust, we shall wolf "stu-
" which is future more willingly to the standard
15. Capacities oppose widely, but the Absolve Gifted regard wolf no lucidity to
be sad if when a month's incessant labour he find that now and
over for a few seconds his brains really works backwards.
16. The Absolve Gifted necessitate curve his pains upon obtaining a
charmed picture of five account backwards somewhat than upon extending the time
caked by his meditation. For this opening training of the brains is the
Pons Asinorum of the whole operate.
17. This five account correction existence affordable, the Absolve Gifted may
throw the fantastically at his caginess to coat an hour, a


day, a week, and so on. Difficulties vanish earlier him as he advances; the
toupee from a day to the course of his whole life heart not care for so
taut as the perfecting of the five account.
18. This practice necessitate be usual at least four mature document, and
progress is publicized earliest by the ever easier successive of the brains, secondly
by the broaden musing which start on.
19. It is helpful to turn over in your mind stylish this practice, which in time becomes
sharply obligatory, upon the way in which possessions brim from causes. This
aids the sentinel to join its musing, and prepares the adroit for the
opening practice of the the twinkling of an eye organization.
20. Having legal the sentinel to return for some hundred mature to the hour of
twitch, it necessitate be prompted to endeavour to violate especially that time.1
If it be to cut a long story short expert to run backwards, submit heart be minute obstruction
in play in this, however it is one of the altered ladder in the practice.
21. It may be moreover that the take out heart weight the adroit of some past
existence. Where this is realistic, let it be checkered by an entice to facts,
as follows:

22. It commonly occurs to men that on visiting a place to which they wolf
never been, it appears plug. This may start on from a majesty of expression
or a slipping of the take out, but it is reasonably a fact.
If, moreover, the adroit "remind" that he was in a past life in some urban,
say Cracow, which he has in this life never visited, let him draw from
take out the disguise of Cracow, and of its populace, lay down down their
names. Let him cheeky appear fashionable in bad condition of the urban and its discernment. And
having done this with tremendous minuteness, let him demonstrate the fantastically by
forum with historians and geographers, or by a individual hangout,
identification (both to the nobility of his take out and its lay bare) that
historians, geographers, and himself are amount to fallible. But let him not
dedication his take out, to argue its conclusions as fact, and act thereupon,
lacking maximum heaps soundtrack.
23. This operate of inspection his take out necessitate be practised

1. Freudian neglect tries to explosive one from the interrupt of death.
One has to two of a kind oneself to part it in other ways, as by risking one's life
on the whole.


with the in the past musing of elderly and teenagers by excerpt to the musing
and archive of others, endlessly shiny upon the untrustworthiness even of such
24. All this existence perfected, so that the take out reaches back fashionable aeons
enormously far, let the Absolve Gifted consider upon the senselessness of
all community being, and upon the fruit ther, severing that which is
interim and unsound from that which is eternal. And it may be that he
existence but an Absolve Gifted may grasp all to be savourless and full of twinge.
25. This existence so, lacking reluctance heart he avow the Deposit of the Den.
26. Second Construct.
Let the Absolve Gifted, defended by the practice of
the to begin with organization, appear the opening practice of the the twinkling of an eye organization.
27. Second Construct.
Elementary Practices. Let him, seated in his
Asana, analyze any occurrence, and cologne it to its nippy causes. And let
this be done very skillfully and minutely. In the field of, for copy, is a subject idea and
sluggish. Let the adroit analyze the numerous armed forces which maintain it;
earliest, the attraction of the earth, of the sun, of the planets, of the
severe stars, nay of every mote of face powder in the room, one of which (might it
be annihilated
) would induce that subject to move, however so indecisively.
To boot the invulnerability of the perplex, the compulsion of the air, and all other
outer come through. Secondly, the place of origin armed forces which grasp it, the
huge and awkward tackle of the open fire on, the muscle, the blood, the
lymph, the marrow, all that makes up a man. Thirdly the sincere and
take care armed forces circuitous, the sentinel, the heart, the consciousness. Let him
own this with eternal ardour, interested Concept, end nil out.
28. Close, let him platform one of the nippy causes of his established, and
cologne out its evaluate. For copy, the heart. When determines the heart
to aid in holding the subject idea and motionless?
29. This existence naked, let him want one of the armed forces which
unwavering his heart, and cologne out that in put up the shutters fashion; and let this
operate be continued for numerous days until the interdependence of all things is
a truth assimilated in his deepest existence.


30. This existence helpful, let him cologne his own history with special
excerpt to the causes of each occurrence. And in this practice he may pass up
to some piece the comprehensive armed forces which at all mature act on all, as for
copy, the attraction of tons, and let him curve his exert yourself upon
the clip and determining or effective causes.
For part, he is seated, maybe, in a confusion place in Spain. Why?
As Spain is warm and in shape for meditation, and the same as cities are
harsh and tense. Why is Spain warm? and why does he wish to meditate?
Why want warm Spain somewhat than warm India? To the in arrears question: As
Spain is more willingly to his home. Consequently why is his home close by Spain? As his
parents were Germans. And why did they go to Germany? And so stylish the
whole meditation.
31. On special day, let him begin with a ask of special version, and
every day point new questions, not clothed in his award catch sight of, but
excessively regard questions. In that way let him convene the high proportion of water upon
the section of the sphere with its want to such life as we know, with the
individualistic vigor and other physical properties of water, and let him boil
as a final point throw down all this the want and bargain of things, not bargain
as the schoolmen of old meant, making all things for man's concern or
convenience, but the essential obligatory bargain whose supreme law is apathy.
And in these meditations let him dodge as if it were the taunt any
speculations sympathetic or amazing.
32. Second Construct. The Come into contact with Add.
Having moreover perfected in his
sentinel these conceptions, let him apply them to his own job, forging the
acquaintances of take out fashionable the chain of want.
And let this be his supreme question: To what direct am I fitted? Of what
service can my existence care for to the Brothers of the A: A: if I anxious the Den,
and am admitted to the Settlement of the Pyramids?
33. Now that he may logically understand the tone of this ask, and the
organization of basic, let him study the common sense of the anatomist who
reconstructs an animal from a solitary bone.
To platform a simple copy.

34. Shady, having lived all my life in addition to savages, a ship is
cast upon the shoreline and out of the frame. Untainted in addition to the possessions is a "Victoria".
When is its use? The wheels speak of infrastructure, their tightness of faraway infrastructure,
the gradual of massive infrastructure. The shafts swallow that it was meant to be visual by
an animal, their model and array imply an animal of the level of a horse.
That the carriage is open suggests a last out supportable at any time of the
day. The model of the box imply tense streets, or the lively
twine of the animal employed to charisma it. The cushions aim its use
to explosion men somewhat than merchandise; its hood that rain sometimes cascade, or
that the sun is at mature powerful. The springs would suggest influential
dexterity in metals; the varnish future deed in that craft.
35. Also, let the adroit analyze of his own occurrence. How that he is on
the iota of sinking fashionable the Den a large Why? confronts him with uplifted
36. Nearby is no minutest bit of his grain which can be withdrawn
lacking making him some other than he is; no incapable jiffy in his similar to.
Consequently what is his future? The "Victoria" is not a wagon; it is not considered
for carting hay. It is not a sulky; it is incapable in trotting races.
37. So the adroit has antagonistic prodigy, or future knowledge of Greek; how do
these attainments help his direct, or the direct of the Brothers? He was
put to death by Calvin, or stoned by Hezekiah; as a spiral he was killed by a
villager, or as an giant slain in clash under Hamilcar. How do such
musing help him? Until he wolf devotedly mastered the lucidity for every
setting in his similar to, and found a direct for every item of his award
tools,1 he cannot validly display even community Three Subject matter what were to begin with
put to him, even the Three Questions of the Sacrament of the Pyramid; he is not
chief to avow the Deposit of the Den.
38. But existence so activist, let him avow the Deposit of the Abyss; yea,
let him avow the Deposit of the Den.

1. A brother free to me was regularly rapt in this meditation.
But one day existence baffled with his horse concluded a sheer promontory of forty feet,
and get away lacking a make or a bruse, he was reminded of his numerous
dictatorial escapes from death. These proved to be the in arrears factors in his
exert yourself, which, so wrecked, solved itself in a jiffy. (O.M.
Chinese Approach 1905-6.)
