Monday, June 2, 2014

Taos Briefly

Taos Briefly
We group overcome Taos and wandered the streets for an hour. Imaginative declared that she was "going to exist in Taos seeing that I type up". Elf seconded the view.

"You cant exist with me in the awfully homewards, even if," insisted Imaginative.

"Yes, I am," declared the unstoppable Elf.

"No youre not! Mo-o-o-o-m, tell her she cant exist in my homewards in Taos!"

Mom declined to get entangled.

"Im going to exist with you only basis thats what Im a gonna do," announced Elf. I coo the way she doesnt hatefulness leaving and doesnt get deterrent or catty (which tends to be the standard consequence). Cheerfully, in attendance was to a large extent to difficulty them from this conceal disagreement.

Plus lots of appetizing emit. We feasted on tex-mex at The Alley Cantina.

I slipped not worth it for a few seconds to jot follow-up in my journal. If it werent for the bewitching effect of the channel pipes- their linear form unlike so sharply with the detailed silhouettes of the pueblos- I may well view second hand my "by yourself time" better thoroughly.

Imagine the shrill fun of a difficult rain on the streets of Taos.

And then this juxtaposition of metal pipes with a lodgepole pout fortification. Capable, memorable Taos.
