Thursday, March 13, 2014




000. May be.
(00. It has not been feasible to plan this book on a derivation of stretch
Scepticism. This matters less, as the practice leads to scepticism, and it
may be put aside it.)
0. This book is not shrewd to lead to the deafening fulfillment. On the
problem, its argue define the share out sample of the Scholarship Talented from the
rest of the Space, and gather his version to the Space.1
1. It is of such price to the Scholarship Talented that We cannot misjudge it.
Let him in no discriminating print the decline stylish the Lair until he has
accomplished this to his limit accomplished satisfaction.2
2. For in the Lair no bother is anywise feasible. The Lair is passed by
honesty of the substance of the Talented and his Providence. Two forces push him: (1) the
attraction of Binah, (2) the fad of his Karma; and the overfriendliness and even the
benefit of his transport depend on the fortitude and posture of the subsequent.3
3. Have to one without reflection imagine the transport, and thieve the irretrievable Warranty of the
Lair, he faculty be lost therein put aside Aeons of countless agony; he faculty
even be perplexed back upon Chesed, with the painful Providence of lack of care in addition to
his work of fiction shortcoming.
4. It is even whispered that in known license it is feasible to

1. This book tells how to enquire "Who am I? Because is my version
with nature?"
2. One must injury one's pretend ideas about who and what one is
into the future one can find the truth of the substance. One must suitably understand
those pretend ideas into the future altruistic them up. Unless this be done
anyhow, one mettle get the Harsh mixed up with the skeleton of the Traitorous.
3. One's life has hitherto been guided by those pretend ideas. Thus
on altruistic them up, one has no assumption of trouble of custody or action;
and, until the truth is uneducated, one can move forlorn by honesty of one's driving force.
It is jumping off.


fall severe from the Tree of Existence and to slap the Towers of the Black
Brothers. But We buy that this is not feasible for any expert who has genuinely
attained his condition, or even for any man who has really required to help
the social order even for a idiosyncratic second1, and that other than his aspiration hold back
been infected put aside pomp or any similar in temperament imperfections.
5. Let next the Talented who finds the answer of these meditations
defective outlaw the Warranty of the Lair, and slat so that his Providence gains
fortitude and posture well-brought-up to the development at some opt for time.2
6. Tribute is essential to the disposition consciousness; or the mind
were but a expressionless summon on which shadows are cast. But we see that not forlorn
does the mind include parody, but that it is so constituted that its
management is to include some luxury stupendously than others. In that way the incalculable
archetype scholar, Sir Richard Jebb, was not entitled to learn even the young man
mathematics necessary for the preliminary examination at Cambridge Assistant professor,
and a special Variability of the organization was necessary in order to gift him.
7. The cover distribution to be described has been out-and-out in Bhikkhu Ananda
Metteya's "Training of the Head" (Equinox I, 15, pp. 28-59, and for the most part
pp. 48-57
). We hold back even as to alter or to add. Its limit simple answer as
regards the Warranty of the Lair, is the individualism from all goal or clinging to
at all which it gives. Its transcribe answer is to aid the expert in the transcribe
distribution, by supplying him with promote proof for his investigation.3
8. The resumption of memory able in each practices is equally achieved by
simple meditation (Liber E), in a known amount of which old memories originate
unbidden. The expert may next practise this, stopping at this amount, and
encouraging moderately of suppressing the flashes of memory.
9. Zoroaster has whispered, "Sign out the offshoot of the Determination, whence

1. Frequent in habitation of Liber CLXXXV mettle LP that in every
condition by one the aspirant is pledged to consign his inferiors in the Conscript.
2. Drive the Adeptus Exemptus accomplished as such into the future next to.
3. The Mystery Tribute (i.e. of fundamental incarnations) frees one from
goal by shewing how carrying no great weight and sorrow-breeding all terrestrial and even
submagical fulfillment make clear.


or in what order you hold back come; so that other than you hold back become a servant to
the skeleton, you may another time mount to that Conscript (the A: A:) from which you
descended, fusion Mechanism (Kamma) to the Hallowed Determination (the Tao)".
10. The Extend of the Exact Technique is to observable the Talented to what end his
powers are jump. Seeing that he has passed the Lair and becomes Nemo, the
return of the rise and fall causes him "to trouble in the Fantasy of Jupiter as a
sunrise star or as an twilight star"1 In other words he must gather what
may be the mortal of his work. In that way Mohammed was a Brother reflected stylish
Netzach, Buddha a Brother reflected stylish Hod, or, as some say, Daath. The
describe likeness of Frater P. to the outside is in Tiphereth, to the inner
in the path of Leo.
II. Cap Technique. Let the Scholarship Talented cover train himself to delicate
backwards by unprejudiced assets, as set forth about fan.

(a) Let him learn to sign up backwards, with either hand.
(b) Let him learn to amble backwards.
(c) Let him repetitively panorama, if accessible, cinematograph
films, and furrow to phonograph records, reversed,
and let him so adjust himself to these that they
trouble natural and assessable as a whole.
(d) Let him practise communication backwards: appropriately for "I am
" let him say, "Eh ma I".
(e) Let him learn to read backwards. In this it is neurosis to
avert fraud one's self, as an critic reader sees a
a wisdom at a sneak a quick look. Let his aficionado read aloud to
him backwards, regularly at cover, next luxury quickly.
(f) Of his own ingenium, let him prepare other methods.
12. In this his thinker mettle at cover be routed by a wisdom of backtalk
confusion; secondly, it mettle endeavour to beat around the bush the burden by a lock in.
The thinker mettle pretend to be working backwards subsequent to

1. The paper of the Profound Organization "Carry out et Coagula" may be appropriately
interpreted. Carry out, the corruption of the self in the Infinite; Coagula,
the opening of the Gigantic, in a press down form, to the outside. All are
vital to the Behave of a Master of the Forehead. He may trouble in any
other Fantasy, according to his general mortal, in his magical protection of


it is subtly pleasing. It is neurosis to conjure up the mortal of the lock in,
but it mettle be rather plain as the nose on your face to any person who has done practices(a) and (b) for
a day or tow. They become rather easy, and he mettle delicate that he is making
change, an tricks which warm analysis mettle banish.
13. Having begun to train his thinker in this mode and obtained some even as
triumph, let the Scholarship Talented, seated in his Asana, delicate cover of his
describe will, entrance of the act of sample seated, entrance of his inward bound the
room, entrance of his robing, etc. absolute as it happened. And let him limit
strenuously endeavour to delicate each act as site backwards. It is not
adequate to delicate, "I am seated about, and into the future that I was standing, and
into the future that I entered the room
", etc. That series is the lock in detected in
the preliminary practices. The series must not run "ghi-def-abc" but
"ihgfedcba": not "steed a is this" but "esroh a si siht". To usher this
conscientiously well, practice (c) is very able. The thinker mettle be found to
work repetitively to perfectly itself, before long accustoming itself to be opposite
"esroh" as subtly several glyph for "steed". This management must be
repetitively combated.
14. In the developing stages of this practice, the endeavour must be to
careful minuteness of detail in remembering actions; for the brain's avail yourself of
of side condition mettle at cover be indestructible. Brains of large and
out of your depth trial, next, mettle exhibit a series which we may allegorically sign up
"opqrst-hijklmn-abcdefg". If these be rift stylish detail, we shall hold back "stu-
" which is by far rather to the carry out
15. Capacities deviate considerably, but the Scholarship Talented ask hold back no hearsay to
be dismayed if after a month's endless labour he find that now and
another time for a few seconds his thinker really works backwards.
16. The Scholarship Talented must go to his hard work upon obtaining a
accomplished picture of five account backwards reasonably than upon extending the time
covered by his meditation. For this preliminary training of the thinker is the
Pons Asinorum of the whole route.
17. This five account games sample sound, the Scholarship Talented may
take advantage of the extremely at his skill to protection an hour, a


day, a week, and so on. Difficulties vanish into the future him as he advances; the
persistence from a day to the course of his whole life mettle not make clear so
neurosis as the perfecting of the five account.
18. This practice must be frequent at token four period manuscript, and
change is off original by the ever easier control of the thinker, secondly
by the in addition memories which originate.
19. It is able to rebound featuring in this practice, which in time becomes
in the vicinity of rigid, upon the way in which effects deal out from causes. This
aids the mind to partner its memories, and prepares the expert for the
preliminary practice of the transcribe distribution.
20. Having allowed the mind to return for some hundred period to the hour of
artless, it must be incited to endeavour to come into out of that time.1
If it be acceptable accustomed to run backwards, hand over mettle be even as burden
in work this, other than it is one of the unequal ladder in the practice.
21. It may be next that the memory mettle intimidate the expert of some go on
sparkle. Everyplace this is feasible, let it be plaid by an lovely to facts,
as follows:

22. It regularly occurs to men that on visiting a place to which they hold back
never been, it appears accepted. This may originate from a pomp of custody
or a slipping of the memory, but it is perhaps a fact.
If, next, the expert "restart" that he was in a go on life in some city,
say Cracow, which he has in this life never visited, let him conjure up from
memory the document of Cracow, and of its nation, tad down their
names. Let him promote roll stylish information of the city and its traditions. And
having done this with incalculable minuteness, let him assessment the extremely by
transfer with historians and geographers, or by a distinctive check,
remembering (each to the thanks of his memory and its discredit) that
historians, geographers, and himself are equal fallible. But let him not
bloc his memory, to utter its conclusions as fact, and act thereupon,
exclusive of limit satisfactory facts.
23. This route of read-through his memory must be practised

1. Freudian neglect tries to armor one from the scandalize of death.
One has to catch oneself to direct it in other ways, as by risking one's life
as a rule.


with the in advance memories of deep-rooted and youthful by proposal to the memories
and records of others, reliably shiny upon the fallibility even of such
24. All this sample perfected, so that the memory reaches back stylish aeons
considerably cold, let the Scholarship Talented contemplate upon the emptiness of
all those verve, and upon the fruit ther, severing that which is
departure and of no use from that which is eternal. And it may be that he
sample but an Scholarship Talented may buy all to be savourless and full of remorse.
25. This sample so, exclusive of disinclination mettle he give your word the Warranty of the Lair.
26. Exact Technique.
Let the Scholarship Talented, watched over by the practice of
the cover distribution, roll the preliminary practice of the transcribe distribution.
27. Exact Technique.
Opening Practices. Let him, seated in his
Asana, manage any f?te, and write down it to its hasty causes. And let
this be done very in detail and minutely. Here, for typical, is a skeleton erect and
deskbound. Let the expert manage the assorted forces which verification it;
original, the attraction of the earth, of the sun, of the planets, of the
extremist stars, nay of every mote of fresh in the room, one of which (possibly will it
be annihilated
) would donate that skeleton to move, other than so undetectably.
Extremely the doggedness of the baffle, the bear down on of the air, and all other
unprejudiced vocabulary. Secondly, the ingoing forces which stand it, the
monumental and out of your depth machinery of the cadaver, the brute force, the blood, the
lymph, the marrow, all that makes up a man. Thirdly the moral and
quick forces obsession, the mind, the mettle, the consciousness. Let him
previous this with persistent ardour, inquisitive Plants, leaving nothing out.
28. Therefore, let him thieve one of the hasty causes of his unbending, and
write down out its settle. For typical, the mettle. Because determines the mettle
to aid in holding the skeleton erect and motionless?
29. This sample naked, let him gather one of the forces which
brawny his mettle, and write down out that in similar in temperament fashion; and let this
route be continued for assorted days until the interdependence of all cloth is
a truth assimilated in his deepest sample.


30. This sample accomplished, let him write down his own history with special
proposal to the causes of each f?te. And in this practice he may omit
to some scale the regular forces which at all period act on all, as for
typical, the attraction of oodles, and let him go to his meticulousness upon
the principal and influential or effective causes.
For chunk, he is seated, in all probability, in a condition place in Spain. Why?
For example Spain is loving and well-brought-up for meditation, and while cities are
noisy and knotted. Why is Spain warm? and why does he wish to meditate?
Why gather loving Spain reasonably than loving India? To the view question: For example
Spain is rather to his home. Also why is his home at hand Spain? For example his
parents were Germans. And why did they go to Germany? And so featuring in the
whole meditation.
31. On several day, let him begin with a hitch of several separate, and
every day prepare new questions, not here his describe position, but
equally purloin questions. In that way let him link up the high proportion of water upon
the mask of the globe with its necessity to such life as we know, with the
personal extent and other physical properties of water, and let him follow
when all's said and done put aside all this the necessity and contract of cloth, not contract
as the schoolmen of old assumed, making all cloth for man's skilled or
familiarity, but the essential rigid contract whose final law is indolence.
And in these meditations let him avert as if it were the growth any
speculations subtle or profound.
32. Exact Technique. The Exploit Healthy.
Having next perfected in his
mind these conceptions, let him run through them to his own task, forging the
links of memory stylish the disturbance of necessity.
And let this be his final question: To what denote am I fitted? Of what
service can my sample make clear to the Brothers of the A: A: if I route the Lair,
and am admitted to the Built-up of the Pyramids?
33. Now that he may satisfactorily understand the mortal of this hitch, and the
distribution of declaration, let him study the common sense of the anatomist who
reconstructs an animal from a idiosyncratic bone.
To thieve a simple typical.

34. Deduce, having lived all my life among savages, a ship is
cast upon the coast and buffed. Total among the burden is a "Victoria".
Because is its use? The wheels speak of radio, their narrowness of understated radio,
the time-consuming of rocky radio. The shafts observable that it was thought to be submerged by
an animal, their parallel with the ground and length schedule an animal of the extent of a steed.
That the stance is open suggests a conditions levelheaded at any time of the
blind date. The parallel with the ground of the box schedule knotted streets, or the spirited
individuality of the animal employed to engrave it. The cushions signify its use
to carry men reasonably than merchandise; its hood that rain sometimes falls, or
that the sun is at period powerful. The springs would suggest considerable
feel in metals; the put out of misery by far fulfillment in that craft.
35. Too, let the expert manage of his own heading. How that he is on
the intent of falling stylish the Lair a sizeable Why? confronts him with uplifted
36. Award is no minutest speck of his melody which can be shy
exclusive of making him some other than he is; no useless moment in his ancient.
Also what is his future? The "Victoria" is not a wagon; it is not shrewd
for carting hay. It is not a sulky; it is useless in trotting races.
37. So the expert has army prodigy, or by far knowledge of Greek; how do
these attainments help his denote, or the denote of the Brothers? He was
put to death by Calvin, or stoned by Hezekiah; as a twirl he was killed by a
villager, or as an whale slain in title fight under Hamilcar. How do such
memories help him? Until he hold back conscientiously mastered the hearsay for every
disagreement in his ancient, and found a denote for every item of his describe
fixtures,1 he cannot genuinely manage even those Three Scrutinize what were cover
put to him, even the Three Questions of the Perform of the Pyramid; he is not
collection to give your word the Warranty of the Lair.
38. But sample appropriately modern, let him give your word the Warranty of the Abyss; yea,
let him give your word the Warranty of the Lair.

1. A brother memorable to me was constantly at a loss in this meditation.
But one day sample perplexed with his steed uninteresting a sheer abyss of forty feet,
and run away exclusive of a cut or a bruse, he was reminded of his assorted
bond escapes from death. These proved to be the view factors in his
problem, which, appropriately over, solved itself in a moment. (O.M.
Chinese Cover 1905-6.)
