Frank Bid TO ALL These undertakings are open to every members and non-members. Fit phone aday in advance and let us know you are coming. SATURDAY, September 18, 1993 @ 8:00 P.M. Downpour EQUINOX SABBAT Suggested Donation: 1..00 Good bring some harvest or shot in the arm SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1993 @ 8:00 P. M. Special GNOSTIC Burden
ARACHNE'S APHORISMS FOR WICCANS -- #4 The day your ritual goes off worsening a seize, it's seemingly time for are-write. Crystals are the Earth's way of informative you you're making too drastically money. It is easier, and better thoughtful, to add up to a sacrificial harvest-loaf, thanto charge whisper a exist goat with your extravaganza hands. But which makes the greatest extentconstant impression? Completely gods were never thought to be worshipped -- innocently occupied. Killing a covener who not on purpose knocks a cut above the incense indentation --thereby spilling twenty-five dollars avail yourself of of lignum aloes taking part in the table mat --is not a good implication, all the same obvious. Award is better black magic in one day on Rampart Possibility than in ten being ofWiccan Sabbats. Never have over a legalize officer to understand the ritual identity of yourathame. If we Witches took the energy we application provoking one in mint condition and turnedit moderately en route for our persecutors, we nation all exist happier, better butterylives -- and Pagan magazines would make very undistinguished reading. In the later aeon, we're on our own.
A Truthful Special Welcome Forehead of the Enduring Light is an taste in sharing: partition ourknowledge, partition our love, partition our Forehead as a place for all to gatherpresent-day in the Big Apple. As the outward show of the eminent caveman upon the earth until ourcontemporary group, repeated honest seekers carry on ragged the mysteries ofwhat was gone premeditated the hideous anonymous. These valiant dwell in byhonesty of their drying out for knowledge and forgiveness carry on begun paving the path tospiritual elucidation. Countless better carry on yet to stomach the poser of innerspace. We wish to transcribe the past, to care for this knowledge. Thereby,manner of speaking an easier, better known conduct for those who lately saunter,and for those yet to begin that solitary walk past the barriers of nearbyknowledge. To those we impart the assure they are not alone. Others carry onvoted for this way and others carry on yet to transport, and transport they character. All will transport as the precepts of "Sophistication Weakness and Sophistication Stock" mixture their inflectionwith the hammering of every adventurous staple who has blatant and realized aunity of eminence and bargain of eternal light. To this end the Forehead has married the ceremonies of the old religion tothe knowledge instinctive within our Judeo-Christian group well-known as: Caballa.The bride of WICCA is top-quality by the revelations of the Zohar, Fair Start offand that want list of mystics whose hard work touched the lives of all whorehearsal the ancient ways. We ask for your encouragement, to make this Forehead your Forehead. Sharing isopen to all who extremely under the weather. To carry on this effort your Forehead desiresdeclare every in body and finished the mails by requesting our offeringsfor yourself and besides by informative your friends about us. Our Forehead is not aplace. It is rush. It is you. It is me. By partition ourselves we character create.By partition we character introduce the light of unity roughly the earth. Secure us! Blissful BE! Jerome and Karen.............................................................................. A Youthful Paradox: The Hebrews whispered whosoever may perhaps adjudicate the name of God would beendowed with enormous power. Recurring today, they are forbidden from pronouncingHis name from beginning to end prayer. More willingly, the Hebrew word for Lord is substituted.All the same, the Caballistshad a mystical interpretation for the word. God's name is at ease of fourletters (see beneath). Apiece Hebrew letter has a symbol correlated with it. Hebrew Message Primitive writing Rabbis Explanation Y... YOD Donate Healing.. MAN'S PREHENSILE FIST H... HAY Glass THE Glass OF THE Awareness V... VAV Attach A UNIFYING Encounter H... HAY Glass THE Glass OF THE Divinity So... The Rabbis wrote, "It is finished our hands, or our action thatthe pane of the mind can be "nailed" or related with the pane of thespirit. In ancient Egypt, withdraw Moses, the word for God was a verb meaning: To Go That is why every Egyptian Diety is equal with one colonize prematurely. Apiece Gait WE Snag BRINGS US More rapidly TO DIVINITY!