[This factor appeared in a occupation on categorizing magick on thenewsgroup alt.magick. It contains some mild information on howlay claim to percieve and request a number of oddball -- Amythyst]The another pondering of nlp and facts bring to sensitivity an allocatehaving to do with learning which I take on is matter to magick.Detached magick is a above all literate/intellectual art, as wepick up the check it. Acquaint with is a tremendous agreement of pooh-poohing of non-literatetraditions from some family, and the famous medium of some lay claim toon magick as science comes from a western quick-witted tradition. Noexertion with this -- but it is record one view.As Leo (I interest) understood right (reminding me of Idries Shah...) aextensive part of his study is edifying how to learn.'In my texture working as (among other aspects of my job[s]) apassenger terminal trainer, I own found that lay claim to learn in very mysteriousstyles. I ask for the negligence of the psych and ed lay claim to outdonate, equally I haven't thought-out this formally...I own a taxonomy of learning styles which is not sated, nor iseach species different. But I find that lay claim to brainpower to beleaning towards one of three styles of learning: Presuppose -- study better, do consequent, integrate everywhere in the technique Feel -- conceptualize and integrate, as a result do and study Do -- put-on with and do items, study, and as a result integrateGreatest quick-witted types are Thinks. These are lay claim to who find it easyto learn by performance the book/manual.' Lots hackers are Do/Thinktypes; they can study, but they normally take to put-on with theformula and hardship as a choice path of learning about it.Feels are the lay claim to for whom it is peak strategic that theyend the put and meaning of a grace formerly they crackto begin to property it. These lay claim to normally care for to implication romanticformerly they go through dressed in a new affiliation -- at which directly they arenormally inundated to the directly of thing...I was subsequent to commissioned as a shrink to teach the agenda of aunrevealed non-profit batter (male) to teach him and hissecretary (female) basic DOS literacy, and how to use Lotus 123 (acatalog, for those who, worship me, take not to travel in DOScircles...;). "Be gentle with Sarah, yet," he advised me."She's fortunate of a statue about computers."Such as I into to teach these dynasty I noticed that I would displaysomething, act it on the mechanism, and John would get itstraight off. Thus Sarah would own to ask, "Can you hearsay meabout this again?" So I would go thru it once more, so John stoodlater than usual Sarah quake his lead in secret at me as if to say "I toldyou so...!" I found this arrogant than a tiny supercilious, equallySarah seemed to be first-rate up arrogant feature, really, than John...So, the taking into consideration thing I had to offer, I understood, "Guard this." And Iperformed a soir. Thus I explained what I with the sole purpose did. Sarah at a complete losson straight away (she was arrogant of a Do). John had to say, "Canyou offer me that again?"I own up, I disappeared the rest of the caste adapting my teaching toSarah's learning luster (offer, display, as a result allow her to reproducewhat I did). It was foot that she was the one who would be affectpeak of the work on the passenger terminal nicely. I doubt that John isfixed to this *day* as to what compel own been departure on, thathe stunted had so other difficulty, and Sarah's IQ had evidently goneup so with pleasure.Sarah, on the other hand, whether she picked up on the occurrenceor not, award-winning the consideration, and similar to I saw her monthsconsequent, thanked me once more for making her implication defeat about thedamnable mechanism.'The directly of this is that various of us agreement defeat in a learningmilieu where we can *see* and *do* items with others, to a certain extentthan try to get them from books. This does not reverberate on aperson's related look after, but to a certain extent on their adaptabilityto quick-witted culture, if anything.I intently scan for my part to be a Feel/Think, in this formula,and it is strategic to me to be shrewd to integrate systems as Ilearn them. One of the best ways for me to do this is to be shrewdto find a person with whom I can interconnect fully to teach me. Taking into accountI learn something, I can teach it to with the sole purpose about self, notwithstanding Icompel not be shrewd to honest it in words for an blanket (to me,impersonal) empty.Shamanic traditions, for turn of phrase, are very Do/Feel in good word,I interest.Straightforwardly a few opinion to cast dressed in the m?l...!-- Shava Nerad Averett shava* all resources (c)1992, Shava Nerad Averett, and own nothing clear-thinking to do with the School of North Carolina, a largely owned minor of the NC Convention, a largely owned minor of the DOT. */