Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Is For Athame The Pagan Blog Project Post 1

A Is For Athame The Pagan Blog Project Post 1
An athame or atham'e is a affirm double-edged or flat tooth second hand in ritual and spells by Pagans, Wiccans, and Witches. It is double-edged to detail the bend in half handiwork of the universe; positive/negative, active/passive, masculine/feminine, and so on. Particular resources say it the same symbolizes the bend in half handiwork of the confer on, meaning profess for good or ill, protection or expedition, and healing or harm. Even so, you're honorable sincere to find this in greater than darker traditions.

Orgins of the Athame

A black-handled blow called an arthame appears in self-evident versions of the Key of Solomon, a grimoire originating in the Normal Ages. The nickname athame derives, via a series of corruptions, from the slow Latin word "artavus" (or "artavo") which is well attested in the oldest mansucripts of the Key of Solomon. It street "a small blow second hand for sharpening the pens of scribes. Artavus (artovo") is well-attested in medieval Latin, although it is not a mode word. This explains why it was not here untranslated in some French and Italian manuscripts, and fundamentally became incomprehensible in nearly manuscripts as "artavo, artavus, arthana, artanus, arthany or arthame."

Gerald Gardner's use of athame maybe came from modern French versions of the Key of Solomon, maybe via Grillot de Givry's Witchcraft, Aura and Alchemy (1931), who misinterpreted the nickname as applying to the top ritual blow, as outdated by his shelve entries "arthane" or "arthame." Several comprise that Gardner's concentration and be in charge in olden times swords and knives, and in uncharacteristic the magical kris knives of Malaysia and Indonesia, contributed to the tool's key denote in modern Wicca.

The athame represents the phallus and the mannish curtailed of the Augur, with the other curtailed sparkle the Goblet. This is most detectable to the same extent the athame and Goblet is second hand to figuratively reenact the succession of God and Idol called the Increase Examine.

Particular traditions mix the athame with fire, being it involves the use of an individual's confer on. It takes the heat of a forge and the brilliance of a smith (which has always been considered a magical profession, akin to an alchemist) to trigger a penknife, furthering it's contrast to the element of fire.

Even so, other traditions partner the athame with element of air. This remnant a dispute with diverse saying it was perpetrated by the Golden-haired Recoil, from wherever Gardner adopted diverse of his notes for Wicca. (My give says "may include adopted" but I include posted greatly tinge selection that Gardner modified diverse notes from The Golden-haired Recoil.) The have a discussion for associating it with Air is to the same extent one brandishes the athame in the Air. (In the end, I comprise the athame represents the elements Launch and Air.)

Further sources retrieve the athame became explosion to the same extent in the Normal Ages it was easy to disguise it as a oblivion greater than than a commonplace weapon. No one would investigation why someone had a weapon of protection in their home greatly less gather round it was a tool of witchcraft.

Border, Plan, and Use of the Athame

The penknife itself hardship be of steel, flatten, copper, bust, or other high celebrate metal and is typically 10 to 12 inches in reel from aim to tip. Blades made from silver or that are silver-plated include dual-polar anyone to the same extent silver represents Idol and the moon making the athame tug whichever the Idol and God. Every person metal has instance attributes and solar family.

silver - Moon, psychic martial, sign, women's mysteries, Idol

copper - Venus, requisition, class, sale, gleam, beauty

tin - Jupiter, prosperity, augmentation, expansion, fruition, reach, wisdom

flatten - Mars, energy, back, be in charge of, individual confer on, predicament, power, men's mysteries, the God

gold - Sun, reach, creation, supreme success, unity, the divine, familiar mysteries, the God

lead - Saturn, karma, providence, wisdom, information, knowledge, remaining put a stop to, end, fitness, work (This is for quotation honorable. Power is very toxic it hardship not be second hand.)

To the same degree it takes a blacksmith to make the penknife, it is fondly farther than that you can make one yourself. If you can help the smith make your athame it's imaginary that your energies confer on be greater than matching to the tool.

The sprint is traditionally black but can be any color. Black is the deficiency of color (some say deficiency of anything) so it is a not literal drain space allowing the athame sprint to hold your easy energy with good cheer and store it for far-flung use. Sometimes guild deck or etch easy symbols on the sprint.

To the same degree the athame channels your energy it is an capably easy tool. Particular say it represents an individual's pour out of the elements and as a easy symbol of witch-hood. In 'A Witches' Bible' by Janet and Stewart Farrar say, "Eminent, the Aura Sword. Before this, as with the Athame, thou canst form all Aura Circles, hold back, break and even warm all unorthodox spirits and demons, and even urge angels and good spirits. Before this in thy hand, thou art head of government of the Revolution."

Particular intimation that the penknife hardship be dull for steadiness reasons, but others discussion that this weakens the power of your athame more readily. Their brawl is as yearn for as one is thorough over ritual and the tool is covered to the same extent not in use, there's no have a discussion to flat the penknife.

The main victim of the athame is to management the energies raised over rituals and spells. It is second hand to creating sacred space, tracing the Revolution, caustic picturesque doorways in the circle, selection engine capacity and train, channeling and directing energy, consecrating other tools, and invoking spiritual martial.

If you watched the tv escort Charm, it was as a rule the witch's weapon of choice. Persuaded Charm did not do anything to help the land understand the true victim of the athame. It is under no chaos to be second hand as a weapon.


In breathe Wicca and Witchcraft, the athame has lost frequency. In fact, I haven't seen any of the newer books on The Knock together actually use an athame for anything. It is only this minute knock down as a tool of The Knock together. Even so, the blow is trustworthy an cool tool in kitchen witchery and diverse intimation that it can back as an athame. I do have down pat reading everywhere that a black handled blow hardship never be second hand for caustic, but preferably a white handled blow, sometimes deformed nearby a sickle and second hand for herb large amount, called a boleen, bolleen, boline or bolline hardship be second hand preferably. However we all know contemporary are no "shoulds" in Paganism and Wicca.

There's no denying that using an athame is frightening, even a bit sinister to most. Several cannot read quickly at the athame and not practice that it is a weapon that has greater than to do with war than magick. I include heard of witches refusing to use it to the same extent it goes on their antiviolence beliefs.

Even so, I comprise the reject in the use of the athame is greater than to the same extent Wicca and Witchcraft as a whole has gotten unhurried and take as read I say, sunny. Several being ago, Wicca and Witchcraft books tortuous a lot of ritual. As greater than and greater than eclectic and folklike magickal books include come out, guild are perform less ritual and greater than spells. Most passable entertain to get lawlessness to the spell and don't entertain to be provoked with having to cast a traditional circle. These guild passable entertain "McWicca" and skip the beauty and spirituality of traditional ritual. Choosing not to do ritual to the same extent you go for folk magick is one thing. Choosing to the same extent you are too unhurried is option. (Stepping off my soapbox now.)

If you are averted to using the athame for easy, economic, or embassy reasons, ready substitutes bring out your expand hand, angry stroke, quartz crystal, memo opener, attach, barb, open out blow, wand, or incense assume. You may the same choose to use an athame made of forest, stone, or other things but some say this is passable a wand in the template of a blow.

Supercilious ATHAME LORE

* Ideally the athame hardship be deceiving over the full moon.

* Haggling director the price of the athame (or any tool) taints and reduces its power

* The athame hardship be new and never second hand. If it has been second hand know the order history of the tool.

* Particular say it hardship include never been second hand to farm cart blood and perform so renders it magickally spineless. Others say it's faultlessly fine to use an athame to ritually or magickally farm cart your own blood for magickal purposes.

* Length and template has no effect on its dilution. In this way swords are not greater than powerful than athames.

Learn all of these "shoulds" are passable what is understood in self-evident traditions. In the end, using an athame does not make you greater than of a witch. Nor does the regard, color, create, or moistness of the athame. Learn THE Violence Deceit In the field of YOU NOT IN THE Instrument ITSELF.