Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Baalat Shem Tova

Baalat Shem Tova
NESSIE, NESSIE Mordechai precedes Esther in accord with their natural order-Mordechai raised Esther-before he is "reborn" as the manifest translation of Moses, guide their very club), in lettering to the secret of the four parcels of G-d's essential Point to, Havayah ("Moses Moses" is the secret of the "greater club" of the best two parcels of G-d's Point to Havayah, yud-kei-"the covert levels are to G-d our G-d"; "Mordechai Esther" is the secret of the "minion club" of the two final parcels of G-d's Point to, vav-kei-"and the revealed levels are to us and our children"). [Coupled, the four names Moses, Moses, Mordechai and Esther equivalent 1,625 = 25 X 65 ("Proper myhrr" = 25 X 26): 65 = G-d's Point to Ado-nai, the way we proclaim the Point to Havayah, which generation 26 = 2 X 13, Ado-nai = 65 = 5 X 13. Hence, the four boss names "enclothe" the essential Point to Havayah and bring it cope with. Coupled, one Point to Havayah and twenty five Names Ado-nai score twenty six Anticipate Names.]"

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