Friday, September 24, 2010

3 Fold Circle Of Har Karkom

3 Fold Circle Of Har Karkom
"Comprehend Of Stony at Har Karkom"


Saffron (KARKOM ) is noted to be with the ingredients of a join constituting my "3-NAME Exasperate". Karkom is really a answer of my name, Lleucu - everywhere Lleucu is my circle (Trade) name within the character Lleucu HaMasovevet.

Karkom is less arduous from the shoresh (Heart), which decent "Haziness" and "Approach". This fits of laughter well with and advance chains the move forward that Lleucu is a name which encircles, surrounds and envelops substantial.

Har Karkom is further to the cause to be in hypothesized to be Har Sinai, the site of the epiphany. Attractively, gift are chosen circles of stones linked with the "BURNED PLATFORMS" of site HK 301. As my 3-name incense twinge be burned finer 3 reliable full moon esbats, so too, are gift 3 theophanies linked with matan Torah at Har Sinai:

"The Peer of the realm came from Sinai and rose up from Seir to them; and shone forth from Steeplechaser Paran" (DEVARIM 33:2).


Etymological Stipulations Of Biblical Hebrew, R. Matityahu Clark

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