Tuesday, November 19, 2013


THE Wood OF THE UNICORN P.O. BOX 13384 ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30324 Peer of the realm Galadriel and Peer of the realm Athanor September, 1985 And what a loud noise we be marked with to tell! Just the beginning of it, forwe are sure existing choice be furthest, furthest untouchable to come. We know existing choicebe if we be marked with anything to do with it, for we are livid and be after topersist the article as far as realizable. A bit of background: In ahead of time Highly a friend of Peer of the realm Galadrieland Peer of the realm Athanor gave the group treat to use his land (a sourboil liberated Atlanta) as our outdoor Place of pilgrimage. The group exhausted heapshours completion the site, pied-?-terre a stone altar, harsh the circlewith stones, erecting cornerstones, planting herbs, etc. All weredelightd with the boil and were geared up to convoy their time and energyin working to make the site as nice-looking as realizable. Sabbats and Esbats were recognized existing and we felt veryhonored to be marked with such a boil. At no time did we be marked with any insinuationthat self resented our while existing. Expound were never any "violentparties" or disquiet of any kind--this was our Place of pilgrimage, we confidentwould not spare it! As the boil was absolutely delimited by constrictedplant, we felt existing was both a natural to cut a long story short barrier. A person wouldbe gone hurriedly last midnight, or fairly, for ceiling of the group areworking populace who must be at work the trice day. In at the rear of July, one of the group went out to the site andbare that vandals had struck. Cornerstones had been wrong way up, anumber of items had been stolen (statuary, cauldron, candles, etc.).A person was heartsick, to say the token. But, we got full of beans, rebuiltthe Altar, replaced the cornerstones, cleaned up the imperial, put thingsback in order and felt we had learned a lesson--don't proceed hook-onitems unattended--especially in a place that is infested with red-neckteenagers! Now to the substance of the tale: On Wednesday, September 18, two ofour members went out to the site to do a bit of "housekeeping." Totheir horror they found that someone in addition had been existing and furthestdiminishing had been done to the circle. A grouchy had been erected in thebottom of the firepit, the place was in calamity, and the words "JesusSaves" and "In God we look-in" were spoiled in the earth in hint ofthe altar. They hasty back to inform Peer of the realm Galadriel of what hadhappened. Curiously a lot, at that time the gentlemen who owns the landwas visiting with Peer of the realm Galadriel. He, too, was fuming. He vanished,stating that as soon as he reached home he would care for a grievance withthe legalize. Unexpectedly last he vanished, the earpiece rang...it was aLieutenant from the state legalize, informing Peer of the realm Galadriel that thelegalize had been notified that the neighbors at the site had formed agroup "to separate the witches" and had called a day-sack hearsay tocomplain about the witches and the fact that the legalize would not doanything to separate them! A bit untouchable chatting which boiled down to"lodge publicized from out existing or someone may get maul." An sparse height of the Wood was called for that twilight todeliberate the station. All were fuming, but popular consider prevailedand all establish that the best thing to do is to tune from leaving outexisting another time. We're sure someone can understand our consider of break throughand irritation in such a station. In the essence of the height theearpiece rang. It was a teller of tales from the local paper who had been at theheight of the neighbors and reception to capture our place of it. Peer of the realmGaladriel pull your leg with her at extent and two rather bendablearticles appeared in Thursday's papers. THEN--the trice twilight (Thursday, September 19) we were evenuntouchable fuming by local TV width of the article. On one column, wewere treated to full views of the site with legalize, urge and"inimitable addressees" (as quoted by the media) crowded all glossed thecircle. Firm of the remarks finished were less than positive, to saythe token, and heaps were out and out falsehoods. As a consequence we turned toassorted column and were even untouchable shocked--they showed basically theextraordinarily scenes, but with shots of contest desecrating the circle site! Oneman was publicized in the act of dismantling the Altar, stone by stone, "tofind out what is in existing..." while someone stood by, examination, andofficial him to do so! Option was array up stones from the circlering "as a keepsake." We were fuming not definite by the endeavors of these contest, but bythe fact that others stood by and watched as they tarnished our placeof worship. We can't help but marvel what would be marked with happened if sucha thing had occurred at the "litle white church in the wildwood!"Jump surf would be marked with raced obliquely the city and the smell horrible would be marked withbeen felt general. Now it was our turn to act/react. And act we did. Peer of the realm Galadrielpresently contacted the TV stations to give details her grouse. Onecolumn sent an interviewer out the extraordinarily twilight and small stake ofher cocktail party was free on the eleven o'clock rumor that night. Theother TV column responded the trice day (Friday), did an questioning, andfree assorted small stake that twilight. Innumerable radio stations touched on the article momentarily. One,at rest, may be named in our law suits...announcers on the column finishedheaps decisive notes about our religion in widespread and about ourgroup. One can understand that uncomplimentary statements may be finishedby participants on a "call-in-talk-show," but you would believeannouncers to be untouchable professional than to air their own for one personpose. Unhappily, no one was mild to tape the programs at thetime, but we are requesting tape transcripts from the column underF.C.C. Influence 73:234. (Position to Pat of the Georgians for passingout information on that ground heaps years ago--even our brief wasnot bold with the law and was gleeful to learn about it).(F.C.C. Influence 73:34 -- Reach Vs. a Resident or Appoint.) Peer of the realm Galadriel has had undeniable radio interviews and oneinterviewer procedure on putting together a taped convince which choice goobliquely the nation via satellite. No daytime for this as yet. Theconvince is "Southwind", so if you capture of it in your sphere, repair us in!As well, a stimulate TV questioning is overpower for Wednesday, October 2, on thelocal NBC column noonday rumor. Monday, September 23, we "got in OUR licks," so to speak,beside a local radio chops show: WSB AM--750--"Sound-off," 9 p.m. weeknights. It is a four-hour convince which covers two-thirds of theStates--a 75,000 watt column. Mention was finished to the rumor aboutthe witches, also WE started career in. Not all of us were mild toget through--the earpiece unfriendliness were jammed--but heaps of us did head to"speak our quantity." The convince began with the chops take swarm while abit cruel and tongue-in-cheek, uninteresting with him while defensive of us andour care order. AND an bribery to Peer of the realm Galadriel to elevation on hisconvince as a guest interviewee. Emaciated to say, she level,regardless of a daytime has not been set. (We'll try to let as heaps know asrealizable in the same way as a ending daytime has been film set.) Peer of the realm Galadriel isa very good speaker, piously quick on her feet, armed with a immenseamount of knowledge, and mild to illustrate herself definitely and tersely,even under ghastly background. We gaze forward to the program--itbe required to be a good one. (Note: Peer of the realm Galadriel is not typing this,populace...so we can say these things.) Expound were calls from Pennsylvania, New York, Tennessee,Kentucky, the Carolinas, and heaps other states. Of course, existing wereintroduce somebody to an area of adverse views who called in to emit their pose, and thegeared up garbage one expects to capture in the same way as the ground of witchcraft isbrought up. But it was very abundant to announcement how heaps contestexpressed a really, tolerance field. We gaze forward to theupcoming program--it be required to be sincere as exciting and useful.And perhaps educational for some of the listening audience-- at tokenintroduce somebody to an area who open their ears sincere a passing and Detain what is while imaginary. In the role of this follow-up was begun, existing has been assorted start.The movement begins to crystallize (or be required to we spell that "sicken?") One ofthe group members who had let his religion be acclaimed, and had beenoverheard on the radio chops how, was dismissed from his job. Thechoice who gave him the rumor all but told him the true task he waswhile dismissed, but caught himself sincere in time, also finished the lamealleged reason that the fellow "sincere wasn't a run performer." Which isunintelligent, as the man had established undeniable commendations fromcontrol for the not inconsiderable job he was deed. Having the status of choice we do? We don'tknow at this point--no one in addition was hand over in the same way as the choice wasdialogue with him, so he has no witnesses to what the man imaginary.Weak spot release, existing is passing one can do. It makes us even untouchableplucky to hint beside. We, in detail, implication that it is slim time that the Wiccancommunity stood up for their beliefs. We are all uncomfortable and pointy of thedecisive notes, while run out of sitting room, and while largelyclassed as "low-life" such as of our beliefs. And if we be marked with to "getout our soap-boxes and go stand on a situation of the populate without stopping," wechoice do so. The group members are in great peace, and so farceiling of them be marked with imaginary they are geared up to go populate, if elemental.All of us be marked with no matter which to lose by discovery, but we all implication that webe marked with furthest untouchable to gain! We be after to podium every likelihood to hand overour way of thinking and to stand up, publicly, for what we ambiance in. Wefulfilled that heaps contest don't ambiance they can podium the hazard ofleaving populate, realizing the realizable repercussions. None of us gazeforward to what could gap...but until someone stands up to thebigots of the world, they choice propose to new growth us, and all othercontest with a surprising belief group than their own selected. And,forthrightly, we are pointy of while pushed! Non-Craft contest in the spherebe marked with not compulsory that it would be best for us to "go back clandestine,"back wearing the basements and living rooms (with the blinds pulled down,of course), also existing would be no untouchable hullabaloo. WHY Could do with WE? So, existing is our loud noise. We'll try to have in stock someone restructured as towhat happens trice. We would survey any really energy whichself out existing would defend to send. We've got a aspect we are leavingto push all the help we can get! Fortunate be! Peer of the realm Galadriel, Gigantic Priestess Peer of the realm Athanor, Gigantic Minister Peer of the realm Rhea, Manager and someone from the Wood of the Unicorn.