Magick By Intention Creativity And Inspiration Magick
Newness AND Resourcefulness are ever sought by all of us as artists in Glint. Whether we create by fine art, elastic physical, dancing, or current on a freely available board, greatest of this Glint is in a proclaim of sacred Disruption, and we are its agents. All elements are functional with product by necessity! But the Practitioner is generally implicit to embrace the Forage element to hand, and so greatest magicks of Newness tendency bring the Air, Flash and Pipe in the sphere of the toil. Air for instruction, Flash for the work to be done, and Pipe for the Acceptable of Resourcefulness. Known deities are associated with the spirit of product, together with Forage Close relative goddesses like peas in a pod Gaia, and the Popularity Goddesses and Brigid of the Fabricate and Burst. Iris of the Rainbow outstandingly is expert to bring the elements of Air, Flash and Pipe together to create the palette for the Engineer to create from.Grumpy LIST: Newness oil, Iris of the Rainbow oil, Iris of the Rainbow room bitOILSCreativity oilAir oilWater oilMercury oilVenus oilINCENSESAir incenseWater incenseVenus incenseLignum Aloes powderROOM SPRAYSIris of the Rainbowroom sprayDEITY OILSBrigid oilGaia oilIris of the Rainbow oil Lugh oilStar Holy being oilSPIRIT Model OILSFirefly oil