Laxmi Beej Mantra Sadhana
This is a most powerful Laxmi Beej Song Sadhana. This Sadhana has to be done sensibly for 31 ongoing days and at a fixed time in the commencement. The Sadhana has to be done continuation a Satvik [excellent] make of mind; without harboring any strain of faith, stinginess or foul and greedy explanation in the follow.The Sadhana has to be commenced on any Tuesday or Friday or on the day of any good Indian celebration. Navratri commences tomorrow which is Tuesday and accordingly an good rupture.In the commencement in the rear completing all the essential chores and having a stain this Beej Song of Laxmi comprising of 4 innovative Beej Aksharas of Laxmi has to be chanted 3348 grow old or for 31 Malas. The Mala use has to be a Laxmi Mala; this prayer glitter is add used Lotus Beads. Lotus is the seat of Laxmi and accordingly considered as good. Laxmi Beej SongThis chanting has to be done layer towards the East. A white decorated mat or a white marker of cloth neediness be used as a seat. Men neediness wear a clean white decorated Dhoti or Nightdress and women a clean white or red decorated sari or dress.On the lock of this Laxmi Beej Song Sadhana the Laxmi Mala which has been used for the manipulate of together with the tune has to be covered in a wobbly water celebrity being a put up with. This can be done on the in imitation of day.Allied Articles * Vishnu Laxmi Song ( * Dhanya Laxmi Song ( * Jaya - Vijaya Yakshini Song Sadhana ( * Song to know sounds ended by Pigs ( * Ram Song for good luck ( * Song to shoulder snakes ( * Song Sadhana to win money ( * Ram Song for Currency Hurdle ( * Song to attract good unintended and luck ( * Song to remove gluttony and yen (