Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Calling Quarters

Calling Quarters


Quarters, watchtowers, guardians, elements, etc., are "extras" to your circle and spellwork. Subsequently again, this is an lineage of great excellent for Witches.

The homewards equivalent to the four elements and the four cardinal directions. (East-Air, South-Fire, West-Water, North-Earth.)

At the same time as natural ability the homewards, some Witches word on the powers of the elements. Others word on elementals. A variety of word on angels. A variety of on guardians.

Beforehand natural ability the homewards, you plea to decide: 1 - Who are you inviting and 2- Because fortitude their job be? To protect? To guard? To make in? To aid?

Awful sure your transcript legally reflects what you are asking of the homewards.


Hail! Upholder of the Watchtower of the (incline)

Powers of (-)

II bid thee come dressed in my circle set on fire

Protect/Aid me in my magick/sacred Overhaul

O spirits of the (incline)

Ancient one of (element)

I word you to bodyguard this circle

Cartel this by your powers

Approbation, Guardians of the Watchtowers of the (incline)

Powers of (element)

I do magic tricks you and word upon you

Be present now

To the (incline), I ask the element of (name) and (name of archangel/totem/deity) to be with me, to armor, guide and evidence this magic. (By Christopher Penczak)