Description: The las basic soundtrack of anime Saint Seiya, unresponsive by Seiji Yokoyama, Hiroaki Matsuzawa, Hironobu Kageyama, & Kenichi Sudo. Contains music from the fourth movie (Saint Seiya: Saishuu Seisen no Senshitachi). Far away tracks (11,12) come from the flare Asgard TV series, (13) reprises the Abel Lyra's intention from the third movie (Saint Seiya: Shinku no Shounen Densetsu), advance a alteration of "Athena is Reborn" from the third Poseidon TV series, (14) is a alteration of "Saint Shinwa" and "Yume Tabibito" that comes from both Asgard and Posedoin series.
Released: April 08th, 1989
Publisher: Nippon Columbia
Catalog No. CC-3295
Kindly File: FLAC + cue + LOG
Vex Section Qualities 1: 143 MB [SB BU]
Vex Section Qualities 2: 088 MB [SB BU]
Further Rip by cacis
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Classes List:
01 Prologue: Sunup
02 Lucifer, the Kid of Jerk
03 Pandemoniac Crest
04 Holy Disbursement
05 Fallen Archangel vs Saint
06 Angelus Resemblance
07 Golden-haired Mantis
08 Definite Conflict
09 Marker of the Sun
10 Epilogue: Repeat of Vivid
11 Disorder of Illusions
12 Warriors of the Constellations
13 The Settle on of His Option
14 A Saint of Castle in the sky, Forever