Qlipphotic Rites
http://leilah.org/leilah.htm(c) Leilah Publications, LLC. All placement icy.http://ordoantichristianusilluminati.orgSet up Entry: magoic Pronunciation: ma-jik.magic noun; the art of producing illusions by actions ETYMOLOGY: Squalid English magik, from Old French magique, from Belated Latin magica, from Latin magice, from Greek magike, from feminine of magikos, of the Magi, magical, from magos, magician, magusMerriam-Webster DictionaryWhether the reader finds the finances and sacrifices to be of fabrication from the hands of illusionist scribes, or quick-witted minds amok, the interest of charming in a fabrication or "real" magic rite is as real as the reader dares to allow. Be it a rite of of Memphris-Misra"im Lodges, sacrifices to Lilith, Rosicrucian initiations, Ismaili prayers, or Lovecraftian spells of Cthulhu mythos, the psychological interest of each is empirically deliberate.If magic is the art of casting illusions and maintaining the transmutability of illusions, what is real? http://ordoantichristianusilluminati.org/documents/grottos.htmGrottos of Lilithhttp://ordoantichristianusilluminati.org/documents/vampyri.htmOnce-over of the Nosferatuhttp://ordoantichristianusilluminati.org/documents/baphomet.htmCanticle of Baphomethttp://ordoantichristianusilluminati.org/documents/pangenitor.htmOnce-over of Baphomethttp://ordoantichristianusilluminati.org/documents/lilithrite.htmOnce-over of Lilithhttp://ordoantichristianusilluminati.org/documents/eucharist.htmEucharistia Babyloniaehttp://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=63140184&blogID=360912736Once-over of the Masque of the Red Beatinghttp://www.amazon.com/Babylon-Rituals-Illuminati-Joshua-Seraphim/dp/141965456X/ref=nosim/?tag=leilahpublic-20Babylon contains:Decorative O.A.I. Once-over of LilithDecorative O.A.I. Once-over of BaphometDecorative O.A.I. Once-over of NosferatuLaila el'Qadr: An O.A.I. Once-over of Shock by Soror Hashashiyya KhalifaFence in of the First light Celebrity by Joshua Seraphim http://leilah.org/catalog.htmLeilah Publications Online Holder Booklet posted in Black Charisma - 0 replies