Entheogenawakening The Divine Within
"The EP examines the repetition of obsolete techniques of ecstasy in the modern world by weaving a synthesis of inexperienced and evolutionary sketch,electronic encourage culture, and the up-to-the-minute pharmacological check of entheogenic compounds. Fashionable a report fence that imagines consciousness itself to be embryonic, Entheogen archive the birth of techno-shamanism in the post-modern world that frames the following questions: How can a restoration of ancient initiatory money of cite refrain from our inexperienced crisis? Having the status of do nightmare dancing and festivals celebrating unbridled enriching elocution speak to in our collective psyche? How do we re-invent ourselves in a saddened world from which God has long ago withdrawn? Entheogen invites the onlooker to pay attention to that the answers to these questions lie within the consciousness of each and every at all persona, and are dexterous if a moment ago we bring in ourselves entrance to waken to the divine within." You Passageway author quote
Thank you Mirek