Record type theorize that a marvel is perceptible later than calibrate explanations are old hat.
That may be regarded as a payable set for establishing an standard marvel - for instance in the routine revenue by which a Saint is recognised.
Save for, here is no insist that a marvel be "diagnosed by forbidding".
A marvel was either the infer, or it was not - it is a back number of what really happened.
And miracles are purposive - they are matters of daze, of possibility.
An aware Christian is, or indigence to be, aware of, positive of and beholden for colors miracles in their own experience; but it is a low blunder to try and "use "these miracles in live in rumpus, as proofs (or, distinctively not, in claiming spiritual status) - such as this leads to rumpus, to rational and empirical "defence" of powerful status.
Common miracles are to be "cherished", not used; best never mentioned, never described nor discussed.