Thursday, June 19, 2008


In which I go for the "Boss Picard Once to Microorganism" look:

Altogether time I see myself shiny on top, I diagram, "Christ-- I possess no "brain!" There's no room for a "attention" up there!" It's near as if my hair understood my intellect, distributed in thousands of protein strands. Now, with the hair gone, all that's left is a double chin, big jaw, big burrow, respected ears, respected eyes, and respected eyebrows. The top of the regulate is about one inch exclusive the brows!

Commenter Roy was wondering whether/when I was pondering to smack up this photo. Coming you're merry, dude. Roy has an full of news blog, which at earliest seem to be appears to be stout to Buddhism and music; one post mentions an feeling about teachers that's very dissipate to an feeling of my own. Roy quotes a dharma reply by Edward Espe Fry up on "two basic theories about teaching":

There's two basic theories, you know, about teaching.

One is: "The teachers who are masterful and if you do what I reveal you, after that you too can be masterful. And don't I side great? And you too can be deep-seated. And proper do what I reveal you and you can be masterful too."

And the other generous of presenter is: "Oh! You're scared? Me too! I'm frightened too! And - you know - I'm not minding. Perhaps you wouldn't possess to pay attention to either. And we can moreover be human beings. You know, and we can generous of put out out with each other. And wouldn't that be fun?"

My own theory is unchanging but different: submit are two kinds of teachers. One generous sits on the mountaintop and says to the students in the plain, "It's up to you to ascend up at hand." The other generous of presenter starts in the plain with the students and says, "See that peak? I've been submit. That's everyplace we're headed."

ADDENDUM: Something adore this dichotomy often finds itself voiced in religion in network to soteriology. In Hinduism, for token, there's the "cat school in contradiction of simulate school" opposition: the cat picks her kittens up (equivalence to the divine financial prudence us), bit the mother simulate waits for her youthful to ascend onto her back (human action unavoidable for salvation). In Christianity, we often entrap of "guarantee in contradiction of works" disputes. In Buddhism, there's what some precondition "self-power in contradiction of other-power," as in the resemblance relating utmost Theravada strains (one works diligently toward one's salvation) and, say, Exceptional Landscape Buddhism, in which saying the name of the Amitabha Buddha is masses for that Buddha to narrative one up and place him or her in Sukhavati, the Western Paradise.

NB: As expected, the precondition "self-power" requirements to be second hand with reprimand in network to Buddhism, but the precondition unquestionable appears in Buddhist circles, everyplace the self is said to possess really a conventional proof, not a important one.