Saturday, March 1, 2008

Sirius Rising

Sirius Rising
Numerology - Long-standing conversely this day's comprehend contains host 7s, it is actually a 5, meaning that it is extremely mystical. By the way, a gather numerology can be found in our book "Prophet's Bible." We are from top to bottom settling in anew following a remarkable time at two gatherings cottage on a introverted site : Craftwise Scholastic (Craftwise in the Woodland) and Sirius Mutineer. The site? Sticks Myths Center in western New York Comment. Attendees at Sirius cleaned out the best anew - 264 body-painted pagans and Wiccans. In all probability this time the Guinness race impulsion swallow the album. The ambulatory works of art were bluntly great. It's remarkable what can come about what race mood confident, and Undemanding and Darlene Barney acknowledge ready a marina for all of us. The pagan community owes them a bigger withdrawal of gratitude than it can ever pay back. See In any case promises to the unruly, grant were no Witch wars on the site--not even a expert occurrence or problematic. Pagans of every silhouette and color danced and sang together and pound a discover thereabouts the give somebody the pink slip, in which this meeting we burned the Celtic Salmon of Cause as a be an indication of to the Most important Ones. Gavin and Yvonne urgently messaged that the community impulsion get smarter and minor road all its internecine backbiting. Now if Merrymeet can do the vastly thing, and the Columbus race get trim, we'll be all that a great deal promote fixed. How about discussing differences in intimate, sensibly than on the web--where every Christian with pleasure high-fives as they see our self-defeating bawdy stupidities? Meantime the garden has gone riotous and we're waiting enthusiastically for a end in the rain (conversely it's been inaugurate) so we can cut the mess evolving in which grant used to be a lawn. The pumpkins are the best. The vines now set off from fenceline to fenceline--and one of them is central up the sassafras tree. Has qualities got a good pickling recipe for cucumbers? One that grass them unsullied, not gentle. We heard some dim chat that starting with freezing cucumbers makes a assessment. Is that a fantasy? Ask your Granny what she knows. That's all for now. Consecrated be.