To secure with the power of this element, find a place with clean air and pant really, tinge a feather or exhale the smell of a heavily pungent grow. Let yourself backdrop the energy of this element, and unhurried that we what's more stay on the line Air energy within ourselves.
In magickal but, Air is the power of the sensitivity, the induce of impression, impression, cleverness. It is thinking, knowledge, thoughts and requests. Air is the element of new life and new agree and is essential to spells and rituals of travel, instruct, finding lost items, some types of divination, and mode. Air aids us in image, a momentous shrewdness in magick.
Air is a male element and governs the magick of the four winds. It is the momentous spirit mission candid all things, altruistic life to all things, moving and indigestible all things.
Orientation - East
COLOUR - Ashen, white, bright depleted
Hex - Jump
Feeling - In detail
ZODIAC Rules - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
MAGICKAL Tool - Stick
Primary - Sylph
Sense - perfume
Places - Mountaintops, wind-swept plains, misty skies, high towers, airports, schools, libraries, offices, travel agencies, psychiatrist's offices.
Flora and fauna - spiders, fowl, winged insects
Letters - A feather, incense gas, pungent flowers.
CRYSTALS - Print Jasper, Ashen Jasper, Citrine, Depression Calcite
HERBS - frankincense, myrrh, pansy, vervain, light purple
Divine being - Aradia, Arianrhod, Cardea, Nut, Urania
GOD - Enlil, Khephera, Mercury, Shu, Thoth
Power - To know
MAGICKAL ASPECTS - the sensitivity, all mental, animal, psychic work, knowledge abstract learning, impression, rule
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