Religion And Spirituality Open Question I Need A Valid Argument Against Hindu Theories
In my Fabrication Theology class in Greater Academe we're right now studying Vedic religion, and no squabble seems to be capable to deny Hindu scripture. I footing also looked online and footing found nothing. The best way I footing found even though is to break to one side their theories and shatter it one by one. So if anyone could detail me valid arguments vs. their theories on Movement (which is the one we're work at the instant). They say that the free Movement is the transmigration of the central within other bodies. And that the activist suspicion cannot be stain from the time when we haven't searched the all-inclusive lair or making (according to them near are multiple planets and universes that backward life and we can't say no matter which affection Dinosaurs are inert from the time when we footing no knowledge of these other worlds). They also say tramp is in the wrong from the time when these private celled organisms and larger than difficult organism are living together today so that's the way it has forever been. I footing facing tried stating that kin fee based on what they sue for to endure, but their squabble was after that why is nothing budding today, and the squabble turned within a circle". Help?