Sunday, June 7, 2009

Dark Goddess Of The Week Medusa

Dark Goddess Of The Week Medusa
"I saw you behind, Medusa; we were in competition."I looked you blunt in the isolated eye, isolated."I was not punished, was not turned to stone."How to illustration the tradition I am told?..."I turned your top around! It is my top."That fit flurry is what I ought dig -"Oh secret, self-enclosed and ravaged place!"That is the gift I thank Medusa for."

-May Sarton, The Be miles away as Medusa

I concede continually been rapt by coil goddesses. Having four pet snakes I assume this is not too enormous. From the Naga Kenya of India, Medusa and the Erinyes of Greece, to the serpent that tempted Eve, snakes concede played a decisive affair in mythology. Whilst with the beat of Christianity they are now related to sin and evil, in ahead of time epoch they were symbols of sport, power, and wisdom. They were as well the faithful companions of the dark goddess.

Whether you love them or are troubled of them, watching a coil shed its cover is mesmeric. Its cover becomes quite good, its punctually eyes become aim and dirty. For that reason knowingly it peels its old self absent, revealing new lively cover. The coil symbolically dies and is reborn by way of and by way of once again. It knows modify is method, and that we die and are reborn many epoch within our lives, not later than true physical death claims us. While coil spite can zip, the coil solitary uses it to eat or for self safeguard. Touching on all coil bites are caused by humans not watching their follow and melodramatic the coil. The coil teaches us kind. To bash, and use our power, solitary at the ready time. Ill feeling to the same degree deadly in many personal belongings, is as well recycled to restrain lives and mode antidotes for coil bites, teaching us that sometimes whatever thing pessimistic can as well help heal us. In imitation of their stock to death and sport it is no bewilderment the coil has become the have a lot to do with of the dark goddess, who embodies like traits.

In Greece the coil is found everywhere we find the dark goddess. They were one of the animals associate with Hecate, goddess of the crossroads and criminal world. In her director intimidating incarnations she was the Erinyes, three sister goddesses with wings and snakes for hair, who punished colonize who unwavering crimes. Require Hecate, the Erinyes were related to the criminal world. They dwelt in Hades, solitary transitory the land of the dead to bring legitimacy to murderers, and colonize who unwavering crimes vs. women and children. At epoch they group their victims mad. If their target died fault expressing guilt complex the Erinyes followed their spirit until he or she showed guilt complex for the crimes they unwavering.

The Gorgon Medusa is most likely the best saying of the combination in the company of goddess and coil. The Gorgons were the daughters of the sea god Phorcys and Ceto, whose peek may perhaps turn men to stone. While her sisters Stheno (authoritarian) and Euryale (far wandering) were each immortal, Medusa was subjected to bereavement. To the same degree of their extremely well peek images of the Gorgons were often fixed appearing in homes, collective arrangement, and temples as a form of protection. Require the gargoyles that would higher dapper cathedrals, their alarming forms were said to amazement absent colonize of ill intention.

Several myths declare Medusa was delicate behind, her golden locks and charms catching the attention of Poseidon. She as well ineffectively said her beauty to rival that of Athena. Alas her beauty gets her in distress. In some versions the sea god is so enamored with her that he rapes her, in others she is Poseidon's contest enthusiast. Either way the couple had the quash to permit in to their requirements in Athena's temple. Livid the virgin goddess cursed Medusa, transforming her delicate hair appearing in writhing serpents. Ensuing Athena sent the hero Perseus to zip Medusa. Like he cut off her manage the hero Chrysaor and the winged mount Pegasus sprang to life from her blood, as she had been in the family way by Poseidon beforehand to her reconstruction. Eventually Athena would bank Medusa's manage on her travel over (or in some publish on her protective covering). Athena as well was held to concede specialized a piece of Medusa's blood to Asclepius (the god of cure) who recycled it to each conduct vomiting and receive death.

Utmost potential Medusa was Athena's "darker" aspect. While Athena represents the unadulterated and unbiased neighboring of the goddess, Medusa embodies her sexuality and her pessimistic neighboring. She is in a way Athena's shadow self. It seems no hurtle that she audaciously makes love within Athena's temple. As a virgin goddess, Athena to some vigor is suppressing her sexuality, to the same degree these impulses are played out in the total Medusa. Unpleasant of these requirements Athena views her other short as whatever thing clear and dreadful, and correspondingly Medusa is misshapen. By method Perseus to zip Medusa, Athena is in a way attempting to decode she shadow self, to divest herself of her inner gloomy. Athena's stock to snakes in her myths are as well hints to the fact that they are two sides of the exact goddess. Down in the dumps with the owl, snakes were as well one of Athena's sacred animals. In Orphic poems she is called "la serpentine", and she is ascribed an "steadfast" or "unblinking" seem to be, not unlike Medusa's croaky peek. In altercation she may perhaps as well take on the Gorgon's intimidating example, superficially like Medusa's manage was mounted on her travel over. In a way placing Medusa's manage on her travel over is a sign that Athena, last confronting Medusa (via Perseus) has multiple each of her "selves". In imitation of the Gorgon on her travel over, in altercation she can upsurge as either the goddess of wisdom or the stalwart coil haired goddess, telltale she has become whole. Medusa may concede been clear in Athena's eyes, but her solitary sin is bountiful in to her own requirements and passions. She sees no take away for aptness, customary her own beauty and declaring it as divine (by claiming to be director delicate than a goddess). She is close-fitting with her sexuality in a way that Athena is not, obviously displaying her lovemaking in Athena's inner hole. Medusa, whereas she is punished for it, lives with enthusiasm fault the constraints of others. As two neighboring of the exact goddess, it is Athena who is in snub of Medusa's power. Medusa represents the inner power Athena is worried to accept. Whether it is like of expressive morays or apprehension, we at epoch do the exact thing. We rebut our own sacred natures. We try to fit in, we permit our power absent to others. But at the end of the day we ought cleave to our own gloomy. We concede labeled our inner power and requirements as whatever thing dark, we concede cursed this aspect of ourselves as Athena did, considerably of recognizing its beauty. But it is solitary while we learn to cleave to this part of ourselves, and reach the coil shed our fears and inhibitions, that we can become whole. Like we peek appearing in Medusa's top, we see our own. And reach Athena, while we truly cleave to ourselves for who we are we become an violent correspondents in the world.