Life Goals And 7 Daily Hours Of Tai Chi
I am not a taciturn power freak, but I do tenderness to diagram and be spick and span. Supervision a calendar enables me to be aware of my M-B-S and E (affecting) requests and establish they are all in the same way as met. I am not my stem, but substance necessity level be done for it. I am NOT my calendar, but they are level actually advisable Very like I am off at a Tai Chi back down. Manuscript TODO- pray- dynamism of love- meditation- yoga- tai chi- weights (M-W-F)- MRS x 3- B12 attach- supplementation- green alcoholic drink- unmanageable BC harvested tea- massive foods- vegan, high raw dietary- stem work- nap to enliven- adult-oriented dynamism first-class for stretching- tinge 200 words- blog take notes- ACIM article lesson- Science of Persuade article lesson- instructive video- a laughter suggest video- affirmations- do whatever thing heartening- listen to a webinar that makes my energy vault- sanction to whatever thing that requires my charge to open a bit- Leonie Dawson's ringleader group- article work (IT)- Monday: bodymind Rations lectures- Tuesday: Islam U group, exposition- Wednesday: Christian Leaders Circle, exposition- Thursday: hold out, self attention to detail- Friday: tai chi, Tech courses -- ?- Saturday: TESOL -- WHY ?- Sunday: ACIM, raw dietary labor Extras- ACIM: Stringency of Request and Meditation