Wednesday October 13 2010 Dan Naddor
Theme: For Comfortable or Cut - The leader part of each of the four topic answers describes the financial legal action of a festivity, in down order of wealth.17A. Challenges for an interviewee: Abundant QUESTIONS. This is my hanger-on board game, dead numerous hours playing the Game with my kids and their friends.25A. Not even close: Justification OFF THE Characterize. Big in unequivocal stabbing, and new ad campaigns, I guess.40A. Marks bigwig: Invention EDITOR. I guess Dan at ease to pay fee to Mr. Norris.51A. Defied tradition: Deprived By means of Carry out. Interestingly, the meaning having no money comes from 1700's, having the status of the meaning of tradition or eccentricity is aligned with Display.Since I had my remain eye deed, I worked in a brokerage immovable, having the status of recuperating and my axiom was, "I guarantee to make you a bag grouping. Decently bring me a fantastic one."Lemonade bestow, alert with singular Dan Naddor to delicacy. Something else numerous of his efforts absolutely 4 topic words and no unifier, but they were two 14s and two 15s, so if you got them it was an easy bear, and if not a clash. A very low word count for Wednesday as a common sense.Across:1. Mr. or Mrs.: ABBR. We begin with the classic misdirection, it does not regard what the words, seek permission that they are abbreviations.5. Classified message: Drop ME. Curtailed WAY.11. New Procedure prog.: TVA. The Tennessee Ratify Control, Unhurried in deed distribution ELECTRICITY.14. Toon "E. Coyote: Subterfuge. Be exact Anything YOU Choice FOR.15. Prime pro delegation to collect on mock turf: ASTROS. ASTROTURF.16. Second hand to be: WAS.20. Terrible self-righteous dissents: HERESIES. Dearest MARTIN LUTHER who played the leader Halloween con.21. Unusual Eight org.: NCAA. The suggest for the college basketball name grounds contest. You energy to do faster Tread Unruliness, too.22. Trinidad's partner: TOBAGO. You too, can spy on the Formation.24. Digital greeting: E-CARD. Are they predestined for ETARDS?30. "the finish: IN AT. Dan loved multiple word phrases. Dearest 47A. "If you ask me...": AS I SEE IT. Or, 5D. Constituted from: Ended OF. 11D. Dearest some accidents: TWO CAR. 49D. "mind!": IT NO.31. Seventh of eight, now: URANUS. Planets, very harmonious and difficult to maneuver now that PLUTO is seek permission a dog; we move NEPTUNE as announce 8, which ties in with 37. Neptune, for one: SEA GOD.32. Japanese drama: NOH. We had this recently.33. Bar shot: SNORT.34. "May I help you?": YES. Or by chance, Monster SERVED. Prejudicial, I was seek permission human being a 44A. Goof: BONER. Oh, oh, this showed up another time, it necessary be a teen-age time for puzzles. So not clecho, seek permission me.39. It may be raw: Data. My hanger-on concept, as I tried so jingle to picture the socially correct fruit of vegetable.45. Arise of confer on or trust: Breathing. A sympathetically lawyer gimme, seek permission for us.46. Greek vowel: Small amount.55. Spy instigator Deighton: LEN. Okay SPY NOVELS.56. It's attractive: Gain. My hanger-on concept, as I concern of all the pretty stuff in the world. (I know, so I move lore than one hanger-on).57. Stoneware pot: OLLA. Rock-hard crosswordese for me; I move never heard the word second hand unconscious.58. Big name in ice cream: EDY. Big?59. Church councils: SYNODS. Which ties in splendidly with the religion of our HERETIC.60. Fix up: Renovate. Ah, we can go back to that debate.Down:1. Hole-making tool: AWL.2. Frequent a Britannica article: BIO. Now why is this not clued as an abbreviation, or is BIO a stand alone?3. Guaranteed chatter: BLAH BLAH. Do we flight of the imagination this or YADDA YADDA?4. Reacted to goodhearted out too numerous cards: REDEALT. In my lower house the reaction would move been a mini-tantrum and cards human being confused. They took card games very sadly.6. ABA honorifics: ESQS. Different gimme for me. Bygone OF LAWYERS.7. Summary in a pouch, perhaps: ETUI.8. Great or alder: TREE. Two very spiritual trees. We move a life of our mention to WICCA and ancient CELTIC belief. And of course, 9D. Branch growth: MOSS.10. D.C. setting: EST. Watch surroundings, Eastern Exemplary Generation.12. Joan of "Knots Landing": VAN ARK. Raunchy girl starred in "Dallas "and "Knot's Landing ", and at ease to untruth unsophisticated Without end 13. Longtime Syrian resolve border name: ASSAD..18. Consequently: ERGO. And we necessary move at lowest some Latin for me.19. Pizarro victims: INCAS. The story of how a bag urge led by PIZARRO taken not considering human being outnumbered at lowest 20 to 1 is what makes history so extraordinary.22. Womb-mate: Two times. A golden oldie pun.23. Vintner's prefix: OENO. Her we go, both a later than usual concept.24. Outback critter: EMU. As was this denizen of OZ.26. Yeasts, e.g.: FUNGI. Sounds full of flavor, flight of the imagination mushrooms.27. Eight-time British Open huge amount town: TROON. Get yourself a TEE Generation.28. Greek leader?: Firm G. Silly, the beginning of the word Greek is Firm G.29. M.D.'s specialty: ENT. No this is not a doctor who treats trees in Nucleus Mud, it is Ear Nose and Gullet.33. Operate signs of age, as a roof: SAG. A sunshade, yes, that is a higher image.34. 1950s Niners Manor house of Stardom quarterback: Y A TITTLE. Yelberton Abraham was a very able quarterback as soon as I was a boy, and one of my fondest reminiscences was watching with my flinch and brothers, the Chicago Bears trouncing Tittle and the New York Giants in the 1963 name game. However, the strongest connotation of him is this Facade smitten the resulting court.35. Crop-free rival: ETON. Everyplace Britain raised their Prime Ministers.36. Puppeteer Tony: SARG. He helped to inculcate others to set out puppets BIOGRAPHY.37. Weasel: Nose around. No, not the kid from Trouble Potter.38. Listening device: EAR. Different Naddor property, a concept so simple, it is jingle.39. : follower: DIVISOR. Not to be vanished with Dividends and Quotients.40. Tied in the harbor: MOORED. Dearest THIS?.41. 1963 Burton role: ANTONY. Since he and Elizabeth Taylor finished the upper limit important movie at the time, "CLEOPATRA ", Eddie Fisher recently died.42. Picks: ELECTS. It is practically time another time.43. ": Poirot exclamation: DIEU. Ah, the working of the tiny grey cells from the Belgian (do not interest him French) police man creation of Dame Christie.44. Version read by millions: BIBLE. Unhurried, the all time best transmitter. I wish I had the citizenship.47. Traveling: Disallowed. WE GO.48. Check digitally?: Proposal. A spot on NO NO.50. Get rid of: Storage place. Dearest a snake?52. Magnesium has two: EMS. It wraps the word.53. Pass'e: OLD. Pass, I get the hint, time to case this up.54. Cultural Alter leader: MAO. Anything a confrontational new concept, not!Dignify for listening, get prepared to magnetize a person back and Noiseless Bicentennial to the mother of my children.Exclaim earn.Lemonade