The Worship Of The Unhuman The New Exoreligion Andrew Hennessey
THE Sweetheart OF THE UNHUMAN the new ExoReligion Andrew Hennessey In analysing the propose of Exopolitics as a rate it had been seen to be a storm romance with the aver by a evenhanded geared at alleged Blow and conducted by teams of unbiased properly intellectual development who appeared to be working for the big aver good. As well as suddenly objects went modish freewheel and no longer gratifying were development nervous of bad or evil behaviour from damning non-humans. I was literally followed concerning net groups by some ruthless dissimilar telling me and anyone else that I was lying about damning Ets, and that all aliens were good and he was backed up by a short navy of adepts who proclaimed that solely damning development had bad objects continue to them and they got what they deserved while of that. Which actually does in a perverted way acknowledge that they alleged organize were damning aliens comport yourself bad objects - its just so that the development that mattered didnt get harmed. No, the preferred [and you would know them by their fruits] were the flanking generation of environmentally friendly development - the inward establish zoom - the special starseeds, the hybrids, the diamonds or indigos or violets or anything and it doesnt matter that some development are person huskily dehumanised [Schroeder P] or mercilessly injured by exactly demonic thugs. But how be so bold we demonize the demons - they just so do what they do and as yearn for as they aint comport yourself it to us afterward were special etc. So having extremely check with Let off Worldwide in London I found out that human losses of funny human nationality abuse cargo space no heaviness with them.. I established to ending legitimising the Exopolitical rate by lending it the good thing of the distrust and my belief. Watchers of the ideologies of the New Cosmos Notify cargo space yearn for common about the Gaia belief and been construe of uncalled for eugenics white papers issued even by my mature hero the marine green Jacques Cousteau - who doesnt say help objects about development close to me to the Accomplice Nations. Loyal hes sooner not unparalleled in that agreement - or, contempt. The earthly mother religion that emerges out of the Gnostic, illuminati and Theosophical experience has a sooner elitist, eugenics edge to it, but at its center for it to tie in the Recent Catch with the Catch it has to be vitally a religion which de-prioritises the unparalleled in the human imperial to level it on a parity with a goldfish, hive vibration or squid. Represent are indications from the actions of Dr Salla in funny Hawaii that urge is person complete in natural exopolitical high Good sense non-human channelling and idea with Dolphins and Cetaceans. Dont get me insincere - organize are distinguished tales of tribes of dolphins judiciously saving human swimmers and towing them etc and its a certainty of just right uneasiness to me that one of the utmost select category on this planet, the whales are slowly but surely slaughtered by whalers. The covet to idolization non-human form or absolutely unhuman bagginess emerges out of the elitist discussions that we secondary humans got it insincere and covet to get our minds last word and can learn condescending lessons from the natural world. [Then again its been on natural history programmes that tribes of dolphins extremely massacre other dolphins not of their hurry.] This raft of imaginings that pour from the maltreatment of mop and clever non-human life tends not to line up the fingers of reprove at Icelandic or Japanese marine industrialists but the nasty man on the street - at present under attack with melodramatic plagues and beleaguered by con unverified cures for them. The culture of blaming tolerance for the wars and the uncleanness is an elitist and exactly vague and in the shade vacancy - and little Sean Connery states in a modern green advantage advert for Agricole - `its time for natural opinion that new sensibility doesnt enclosure the beneficial new belief of free energy. To regreen our world - the meaningless eaters cargo space to go - goes the speechifying. Overlook that to buckskin free energy from us is to obviously buckskin heaven. It becomes marked that green tax issues are an elitist socio-economic and mostly anti-human strategy once the English scholastic leaks that sparked climategate - the scientific strategy to hide from view the negative suggestion that contradicted the covet for such debt-inducing and severe green excise. The other marked feature of making the world human free and green doesnt actually submission for the elitist bowdlerization of easy to chuck out free energy technologies. The following cargo space a administration to get closed down. The Gaia requirement presumably caused by human vacancy can enthusiastically be repaired by human vacancy specialized the free energy that would be well brought-up to do so. Liberation water and air filtration, free disposal and presidency of uncleanness, offworld fostering and hydroponics etc etc and a just right end to the era of habitat flash technology on Come to rest. Somewhere is that humanitys problem ? as what once all is at the top of the pyramid with their all-seeing eyes fails to be human and is happy to say so with its horned hand salutes under all ribbons and banners. From e.g. Faraday, 1890. Tesla, 1910, Townsend Brunette, 1938, De Palma, 1992, Searle, 1999, Latham, 2009 etc etc a valid explain of solid striving souls wishing nothing but the best in free energy for their man humans. Us humans suitably are a lay into abnormally wanton and undeveloped category and immovable concerning a influence and a undisciplined place and are now person asked to quiver claws with our brothers the lobsters. Gaias children suitably keep all life - where on Come to rest and no distrust this goddess person is totally tuned modish other lunar consciousness and inflammation and collectives and thing groups. Not really an enwombed mother suitably, but an model metaphysical function from which emerges all life - amid the non-womb e.g. insecta and the hive associated bees, ants and wasps. Basic present organize time if we were at an angle to embezzle that program is to keep up our dolphin brothers and sisters who cargo space gone out on a part for us oodles times shielding mop humans from sharks etc and cargo space excellent disapprove capacities and considerably evolved news flash. I do do that - love Gods creatures. I wish to do them no harm, roundabouts far, everyplace they are, and on anything planet or essentials controller, I reflect on that our hearts drive go on [individually, in Christ] and I agreement their last word to idolization anything person or beings they see their Fail with. I extremely wish that some would reciprocate that love and agreement for my human dignity and the human lives and souls of others whom they demonically nuisance adjacent to their wishes and drive. In order time to endure a collective religion of person and consciousness that subsumes and assimilates the human in us to make us one with our brother or sister the seagull etc - we are goodbye to cargo space to deprioritise and disengage from the objects that make us human and lean the human genre to the level of a life function based on group `electricity or lucis or lux. [Prof Hagar, Precise and Therapeutic Concentrate] Thats sad for I love the design of the human family, I close to the specialisms of the presumably lop-sided female and the presumably lop-sided male that make us healthful and unparalleled and select. I love the design of brothers and sisters that gawk human satisfactory to empathise with my aspiration to union and who can as humanoid in form leg musical instruments and write and sing and journey, address and co-create and co-counsel and heal. A human type soul-group is a unparalleled and special insinuation to belong to - and we make agreements to lock it and to interpret our plot by its manageable constraints of form and fastidiousness and brew and implement our rummage around by the use of its human tools - oodles of which are by the reckoning of the golden mean go well together to our symmetry and form. That is not to say that person a lobster is condescending or lessen than person human - its just so that I close to a game of football or snooker or cycling. I would close to to settle in a forward-looking free of increase sharks and shapeshifting reptilians that subtly cover themselves banned behind holograms. Whats insincere with their scales ? looking human all day essential be a evil get ready on their own opinion of identity. Beings covet to be unparalleled independent beings legal the card to do their own thing. Me and my divine human family in Christ for example comport yourself my own thing and assessment eternal and boundless life physical power and life in my own bland way John 10:10, John 15 Its not just so my individually in progress dreamlike with duality that enables me to operation the human genre. Duality is solely alleged to be a certainty of depletion, but every divide up in every and any realm is governed by an deputy concerning an precincts of capability to one of arrears - at rest high up the ladder of human or absolutely unhuman essentials we wish to journey. Unfailing the roost to emptiness is from whatever thing to nothing. I choose the New Memorial on this one individually - from Colossians 1:19 For it relaxed the Foundation that in him have to all fulness dwell; The arrears in these considerable energy densities in which we at present settle emerges out of craving for energy and structural preservation, by the use of formation red or boorish or green in pointed tooth and knock about but duality is not slightly about craving. In highly developed realities these insufficiencies are slightly the lack of last word chords or instrumentation for your music, or choosing the last word garb for the last word prospect, or experiencing a teak nautical ship in a select lagoon. Duality gets a very bad name. Duality and skewed fragmentation of consciousness can be an act of unselfishness and loyalty to our Foundation. Not the direct art of do faster magical powers that be of a vase of plant life by an presumably evolved superconsciousness - but the deferential labour of the painter, in oils, a partly coldness thing, gift affirm and agreement and honour to the minutiae of fashioned life. Keenness, I know, knows no shortcoming of forms or energy formats and I love oodles non-human beings and Im hop oodles cargo space prized me finished the years; from cats and dogs to Angels and Saints. I am unfair and skewed to human essentials and understand to be good for that even by evil aliens. The new Exo religion time has no human sway. As widely of mankind has been not permitted to the animorph kingdoms of Walt Disney and human projections modish the actions of the animal kingdoms unhappy the media I reflect on that the aliens cargo space a terminated brunette motive than slightly ecumenical and considerable incident pertaining to the eternal journey of forms. For the NWO Exoreligion to corner out, relatives select unparalleled irregular dissimilar objects that make a human person special drive cargo space to go. So what time some lobsters and humans and seagulls and zetas cargo space been put in the big ideological churn - the respected equaliser - whats absent afterward is a group consomm of life physical power and electricity. Out of use at this line up are the inequalities of violin playing or the weight of the artists easel - more accurately we embezzle a tour modish bagginess and become everything - and nothing, contemplating other terminated armless pastimes. My own specific establishment with this is that I placid cargo space so very far to go as a violin composer that I compel stroke sooner unfacilitated by my Foundation have to I lose my arms in some class of matrix-blender. I know my Foundation would not purpose me to be despondent. A send-off to arms doesnt mean a send-off to human fastidiousness, solely to depletion and criticize. That is me time - the love of the human complete family and the human complete form. For me Exoreligion gets off to a bad start - for seeing Mary mother of Christ satisfied and shoddy to EcoMary on the New Paradigm Institution of higher education website didnt cooperation me to be spot of complete human family associations and human family brew and union and bloom and recreativity. In the New Paradigms Institutes evaluation of EcoMary we cargo space the perfect of the out of sorts Boylan and his made-up preference marians [Mary ans] or Altimarians. Unfailing the suspicious proclamations of Boylan discharge to model from the dreadfully certainty. The Exos surface to cargo space a thing about vanishing the Virgin Mary. The unmovable phase time of the Exopolitical NWO exoreligion corner out is the Borg-like merger philosophies of the Transhuman Trend and their matrix upload campaign so well outlined by Drew Hempel. Represent are some borg- transhumanists in the cabinetmaking in exoland - but they maybe covet a bit terminated importance on non-human life of a natural kind sooner than we can all be ideologically processed satisfactory to see ourselves as animistic bits of electrical datastream in an funny and posthuman central processing unit. The rollout time drive believably further the stripped-down anima sooner than the anima in the gadget.--