Happy Winter Solstice
Dimness to Enter, by Aiko ShimadaI suspend for the night to comeI suspend for the night to comeThe obscurity brings me lightThe obscurity brings me lightStars, the proofStars, the proofStars, the proofthat I'm thereI suspend for the night to comeI suspend for the night to comeThe light brings me the truthThe light brings me the truthA Repair TO THE Garden-fresh -- Freezing Solstice December 22, 2011 at 5:30 am GMTDimness to Enter is a gorgeous vocalize by Seattle singer-songwriter Aiko Shimada, whose romantic and understated utter evokes the soft avoidance that tons of us touch as we suspend for the curve impression of the Freezing Solstice. Snap indoors to listen:Fantasy Aiko I too am waiting for the note night of the time to bring the return of the light. This time the Freezing Solstice occurs on Wednesday, December 21 at 9:30 pm on the West Sashay. The word solstice comes from the Latin "sol sistere" which course of action "the sun stops and stands languid" and for a few days a propos the time of the winter solstice the Sun appears to stand languid as its advancement at twelve noon does not roll up to reform for three days. This minute hoof marks the curve impression of yin to yang, reduction to expansion, dark to light in the Northern hemisphere. It is a time to the same degree tons sincere traditions partaker and association the return of the light with the return of the divine. And thanks to Mayan calendar researchers flight of the imagination John Essential Jenkins utmost of us cleave to come to know that the winter solstice Sun has partnered honest on the Realize Distribute of the Galactic Development for the past decade welcome galactic evolutionary information and transmitting it to the Broken up fashionable the languid impression of the solstice. This alignment occurs every 24,000-26,000 soul as a newborn of the precession of the equinoxes. According to Jenkin's hypothesis, the Sun scrupulously aligns with this turning point impression followed by time at the winter solstice of 2012, which he believes the mold Mayans likely as a gesticulate that heralds the end of a world age and a spiritual transition for mankind.In the Vedic tradition the Galactic Development is called "Brahma", the creative wish, or "Vishnunabhi", the navel of Vishnu, and is the location of the manage galactic Sun, whose rig emanates from the stars of the constellation of Sagittarius and the nakshatra of "Mula" meaning "immoral" or immoral star. Fantasy the immoral perform of birds and trees, this nakshatra very symbolizes all sorts of impalpable things, realms, and comings and goings. The deity fixed with this nakshatra is Nirriti, the goddess of disintegration who gives "Mula "the power to break things faraway, barhana shakti, maybe esoterically communicative the black hole that tons astrophysicists speculate is impalpable core the life form the Galactic Development. " Nirriti "is very similar with the goddess" Kali" as one aspect of the mother-creator-liberator deity. She is made-up to board in the south, not rushed the land of the dead. That's why it is probing that the Freezing Solstice, the minute the Sun begins to start north, is under the rig of" Nirriti" for 13 days due to our classy place in time and space -- the "Kali "yuga. Stylish this two week scaffold "Mula" presents opportunities to return our gain to the divine light and to expand our consciousness, but we should submit and let go of what is not working, desertion it sad in the land of the dead, in order to get the galactic light and to allow new life to circulation.It is whispered by tons traditions that a manage Sun at the Galactic Development emits waves of energy that snitch the augmentation of consciousness. As David Frawley describes in his book "The Astrology of the Seers":"From the galactic Sun emanates the light which determines life and brain on Broken up and which directs the carry out of seven brightness of composition and the administration of fortune."Hindu depictions of the "Vishnunabhi "copy Vishnu floating on the omnipresent gigantic serpent, "Shesha", who floats curved in the ordinary marine of space as seen in the video disdainful and demonstration below. This immense serpent holds all the planets of the innovation in its hood and over and over again sings all the glories of Vishnu from its tons mouths.Brahma (Top Fail) sits on a lotus,the symbol of divine energy and divine volatility. The lotus grows from the navel of Vishnu, who is the having forty winks god, whose dream is the innovation.... Brahma opens his eyes and a world comes in vogue insect... Brahma closes his eyes, and a world goes out of insect. ~ Joseph Campbell A great deal accounts element that to the same degree "Shesha" uncoils, time moves self-assured and composition takes place; but to the same degree he coils back, the innovation ceases to put up with. "Shesha" very course of action "keep upright" as in that which open fire on to the same degree all excessively ceases to put up with. In my erstwhile post I collective a video that described how some scientists buy that space-time itself is expanding and creating additional space surrounded by galaxies. This video portrays the significant of the innovation as an undulating sphere of what physicists time "dark stuff" that reminded me of a omnipresent gigantic serpent (1:58 - end).Fantasy arcane dark stuff, greatly of the light of this manage Sun does not put up with in clear frequencies, but has a special effect on the Broken up that is transmitted spanning the invention -- maybe in the waves of serpentine dark stuff. Depending upon anywhere our Sun is at in its inclination clique a propos the galactic middle determines how well this gigantic and divine light is established. Frawley writes:"Once the Sun is on the mound of its clique wherein its dark partner (two times star) comes surrounded by it and the galactic middle, the embrace of that gigantic light appears to be in good health cheap. At such mature there is a dark or avid age on Broken up. Once the Sun is on the overturn mound of its clique and has an open embrace to the light of the galactic Sun, as well as there is a spiritual or Golden-haired Age on Broken up. Humanity as well as acts in goodwill with gigantic brain and with the Gods or Superhuman powers that are its functionaries and emissaries. The Sun's dark partner thus appears to footing a unenthusiastic enigmatic sphere which obstructs the gigantic light of the galactic middle from reaching us on Broken up. Thereby it creates vault cycles of advance and fester in whatsoever civilization."These cycles of light and dark periods on earth are called "yugas" or world ages: "Satya" meaning "truth" or golden age, "Treta" meaning the "third" or silver age, "Dwapara" meaning the "in addition" or model age, and "Kali" meaning the "initial" or flat age. Even though there are tons divergence on the log, the basic suggestion is the self-same. The "Manu Samhita" fixes their phrase at 4000, 3000, 2000, and 1000 soul for a addition of 12,000. Two cycles of the four ages make up the 24,000 time precession gush, a downstairs and mounting group."Stylish the mounting curtailed the Sun moves towards the place in its clique that is adjoining to the Galactic Development and fashionable the downstairs curtailed the Sun moves on the road to the impression anywhere it is fanatical from the Galactic Development. Promptly it seems that we are commanding in the Kali" yuga, although the omnipresent yogi and lobbyist Sr. Yukteswar skilled that we are at the beginning of the "Dwapara". Diverse researchers buy it is this alignment of the Freezing Solstice Sun with the Galactic Development buffed the past decade that hoof marks the assign of this world age from" Kali" yuga to "Dwapara "yuga -- or as some flight of the imagination Jay Weidner element hoof marks the hyperspace assign of this age from "Kali" yuga to" Satya "yuga (clap indoors and indoors for additional). That's why the Freezing Solstice hoof marks a minute in time to the same degree our Sun may be welcome information additional helpfully to bring the laborious bringing together of people with the Superhuman as directed from the brain at the Galactic Development. Diverse chance and buy the dark night of consciousness is changing to a new era of light and mounting consciousness. That's why the eve of the Solstice is a omnipresent night to sit in meditation and harmonize to the gigantic messages insect transmitted by "Shesha"'s vocalize.DEVAYANA AND PITRIYANAIn assimilation to the galactic alignment, the winter solstice very hoof marks a assign in divine energies spoken in the natural rhythms of the earth. The cycles of solstices and equinoxes mirror the world ages and effect consciousness indoors on earth. In the Vedic tradition, the time is divided surrounded by the rig of the "Devas" pass judgment the initial curtailed of the time from Freezing Solstice to Summer Solstice, and the "Pitris" pass judgment the in addition curtailed from the Summer Solstice to the Freezing Solstice."Once he [the Sun] turns to the North he is surrounded by the Devas and protects them; to the same degree he turns to the South he is surrounded by the Pitris and protects them." ~ Shalapatha Brahmann"Uttarayana" is the six-month scaffold to the same degree the sun actions towards the north on the celestial division and "Daksinayanas "is the six-month scaffold to the same degree it actions towards the south. That's why the time is divided in vogue two paths called the "Devayana" (northern) and "Pitriyana "(southern). "The Devayana, or the path of light, is the path by which the Yogis go to Brahman. This path leads to salvation. This path takes the devotee to "Brahmaloka. Having reached the path of the gods he comes to the world of Agni, to the world of Vayu, to the world of Varuna, to the world of Indra, to the world of Prajapati, to the world of Brahman. This is the path of light; this is the path of freedom; this is the path of liberate. The Pitriyana path, or the path of relations and obscurity, leads to repair. Inhabitants who do sacrifices to gods and other kind works with depend on of fruits go to the Chandraloka along this path and come back to this world to the same degree their fruits of Karmas are worn out. Expound are glow and dark-colored jam out of the course. Expound is no insubstantial to the same degree one passes lay down this path. It is reached by Avidya or opacity. In consequence it is called the path of obscurity or glow. The dark path is to the Pitris or forefathers. In this path, sadhakas do the Chance of sacrifices or kind acts with depend on of fruits. This is the path of Oppression. "Snap indoors for additional.The path of light leads to the world of "Brahma", the" Brahmaloka", "Moksha", or liberate from the karmic bonds of reincarnation; as the path of obscurity, sometimes called the path of man, leads to the world of the "Chandra", the moon, "Samsara" and the world of births and deaths. According to Sri Swami Sivananda:"Sophisticated the considerate of the two paths and the outcome they lead to, the Yogi never loses his conclusion. The Yogi who knows that the path of Devayana or the path of light leads to Moksha (Chance Mukti) and the path of obscurity to Samsara, or the world of births and deaths, is no longer deluded. Consent of these two paths serves as a compass or beacon-light to guide the Yogi's ladder at every minute. "The path of light may very be viewed as a celestial path and the "Devayana" is very described as the "akash ganga" or celestial Ganges Spurt. In fact there are taciturn traditions from other cultures out of the world that blab the Rich Way as a path used by mystics to understanding the realm of the gods, in other words a celestial path with a door in the Realize Distribute. The Cherokee Indians of America belief the Rich Way to be the way of the transient souls, and the Chinese cleave to a marking out of a celestial gush which corresponds to the Rich Way. As our solid Sun is sometimes described as a microcosmic symbol of "Brahma, "its threshold in vogue the Realize Distribute of the chatter of the Rich Way, the "akash ganga", at the Freezing Solstice and beginning of the "Devayana" may of course element that we are all about to enter on the path of light.The solstice languid impression occurs at 9:30 pm on Wednesday December 21, 2011 for group of us on the West slide along. At that time the Sun's constellation, Leo, impulsion be greater than ever on the eastern horizon in the nakshatra of" Magha" whose pass judgment deities are the "Pitris", the domestic fathers and protectors of the path of man, under a appeal trine from the omnipresent benefic Jupiter in the light nakshatra "Ashwini" whose pass judgment deities are the" Ashwini Kumar", the twice healers who can bring life to the dead. For me this is diverse thematic warning, albeit one similar to location, symptomatic of that path of man impulsion be coming to path of light. We on the West slide along may be the light bearers to our communities. According to the shamanic traditions of the Maya, Hopi and Inka we are about to move on in vogue a new organize of whatsoever that Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D describes as "homo luminous", light man. In his book The Four Insights he writes:According to the prophecies of the Maya, the Hopi and the Inka, we're at a curve impression in whatsoever history, a scaffold of omnipresent problem and misfortune in which a new organize of whatsoever impulsion include sincere to itself. We're goodbye to grab a quantum nose-dive in vogue what we are becoming, moving from Homo sapiens to Homo luminous - that is, beings with the legerdemain to filch the earthquake and light that make up the physical world at a greatly better-quality level. In assimilation the undermining Moon impulsion be in the sign of Scorpio in the nakshatra of "Vishaka", which tons of the readers of this blog impulsion discern as one of the portal asterisms fixed with tons of the astrological charts shaped to understand the Mayan calendar. The 16th nakshatra Vishakha is called the "star of situation" and spreads spanning the two constellations of Libra and Scorpio and is thus called 'two split or 'forked.' That's why is on a regular basis depicted as a abundant tree with forked and trailing branches that hand over protection and produces fruit as it ripens with age. This celestial Tree of Reality represents the govern of reaching and attaining one's goals. The ancient Maya very whispered in a Tree of Reality that was similar to Hunab Ku, the creative middle of the Outer space in Mayan cosmology. As you can see from the image below, there is a taciturn design for mounting and downstairs of life and consciousness as the four yugas.Expound are two other symbols for Vishakha that are very very intriguing: a potter's pedals and a triumphal admission adorned with leaves. The potters pedals symbolizes clearness and the cycles of time needed to build it. The Bible is full of references to the potter and soil and how God shaped or epileptic fit the earth, the soil, back he formed man:And the Peer of the realm God formed man of the bit of the land-dwelling. ~ Originate 2:7.We are the soil, and thou are Potter; and we all are the work of thy hand. ~ Isaiah 64:8bA triumphal admission is arise that can be swung or gaunt that reveals an opening which may be an hall or an extend. May perhaps this admission similes fixed with the nakshatra rulers of this year's solstice Moon element that an alert way in may open for us to proudly transport on the other hand and travel lay down the path of light in vogue the Rich Way? According to some interpretations Vishakha's triumphal admission comes not exactly with a celebration of overthrow, but very with a responsibility of question. It symbolizes an near in its expertise of a want and the beginning of a new one. Fantasy the eternal cycles of the Mayan Calendar, each end hoof marks the beginning. In the least New Age writers cleave to suggested that the piercing neglect of the Mayan culture was due to their deviation along such a portal or star admission. May perhaps this get up on a spectacular scale? Moral fiber a door open? Moral fiber you ramble on along it?"All composition is the interweaving of cycles. From Galactic example to subatomic waves, the innovation is a massive spectrum of cycles. The ancient Yogi's grown-up the buried unity of all cycles as the trace of Brahma and the innovation as the pace of the life trace of a fastest harmonious Lively Such as. The gush open as the in-breath of God, its stipulate languid impression is heralded by the return of the Christ consciousness and the end of the Mayan calendar. We cleave to been experiencing the out-breath of Brahma. The scaffold of no-time impulsion go in December of 2012. It is the impression at which the in-breath begins, at which the expansion within the invention ends and all that has been spoken outwards begins the inclination be carried of moving mounting to return to the Realize Fail. ~ "Bruce Berger, Esoteric AnatomyAs the eventual exhalation of this wear away releases all that which no longer serves us, stick the minute of end of war shaped fashionable the solstice back the followed by smell. Let BKS Iyangar teach you the power of innocently one trace to bring the light back in vogue your essence and life.NAMASTE!