Aug 17 Line the Day Odin began to rearrange upon the tree Yggdrasil to strengthen the knowledge of the runes.//Roman celebration of Diana Festivals of SEPTEMBER **Sept 15 Typically the leader full moon at the back of thsi perceive is momentous as the play moon, A time of power for folks complex in witchcraft, foresight or affluence magick.**Sept 22 Autumnal Equinox, the time just the once dimness overtakes light, Druidic festival of Elban Elued, the "light of water" just the once the sun begins to accident happening the ocean of wintertime.Sept 29 Saint's day of warrior gods, sacred to Heimdall, son of Odin. Festivals of OCTOBER **Oct 18 Celtic, Wicce, Welsh, Druidic: Saint's day of Cernunnos, in addition knows as Herne, Atho, Hu Gadern, The Horned God of the forests, is momentous today.Oct 24 Feast of the Self-esteem of the air.Irritate is burnt in glance of the slyphs, the spirits of the air.**Oct 31 Samhain Eve.Line the end of the last day of light. Festivals of NOVEMBER **Nov 1 Samhain, the union of summer to winter, the word Samhain comes from the Celtic words Isam Fuini, meaning summers end.Cailleach, the Celt Idol is to suggest itself the earth with a thud, expos it aloof and rigid until Imbolc.The breach together with the living and dead is measly at this time of time and the spirits may contract ended copiously to speak to the living. Bonfires are normally lit this eve to secure in all souls day.Nov 7 Night of Hecate, Queen and patroness of the witchesNov 22 Saint's day of Artemis, and Ydilar, Norse god of archery Festivals of DECEMBER Dec.11 Untouchable day to Arianrhod, Celtic Moon IdolDec 18 Celt Idol EPONA is valued, Idol of livestock.Dec.21 Yule: the celebration of death and rebirth, winter flora and fauna are hand-me-down to imprint the altar and circle.Dec 27 Norse Idol Freyja is valued on this day. Freyja is a aficionado of felines.Dec 31 Regular new Sparkle Day "PAGAN HOLIDAYS AND FESTIVALS - DRUIDISM - WICCAN - NORSE - KEMET Respectable"
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Pagan Holidays And Festivals
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6:15 PM
Aug 17 Line the Day Odin began to rearrange upon the tree Yggdrasil to strengthen the knowledge of the runes.//Roman celebration of Diana Festivals of SEPTEMBER **Sept 15 Typically the leader full moon at the back of thsi perceive is momentous as the play moon, A time of power for folks complex in witchcraft, foresight or affluence magick.**Sept 22 Autumnal Equinox, the time just the once dimness overtakes light, Druidic festival of Elban Elued, the "light of water" just the once the sun begins to accident happening the ocean of wintertime.Sept 29 Saint's day of warrior gods, sacred to Heimdall, son of Odin. Festivals of OCTOBER **Oct 18 Celtic, Wicce, Welsh, Druidic: Saint's day of Cernunnos, in addition knows as Herne, Atho, Hu Gadern, The Horned God of the forests, is momentous today.Oct 24 Feast of the Self-esteem of the air.Irritate is burnt in glance of the slyphs, the spirits of the air.**Oct 31 Samhain Eve.Line the end of the last day of light. Festivals of NOVEMBER **Nov 1 Samhain, the union of summer to winter, the word Samhain comes from the Celtic words Isam Fuini, meaning summers end.Cailleach, the Celt Idol is to suggest itself the earth with a thud, expos it aloof and rigid until Imbolc.The breach together with the living and dead is measly at this time of time and the spirits may contract ended copiously to speak to the living. Bonfires are normally lit this eve to secure in all souls day.Nov 7 Night of Hecate, Queen and patroness of the witchesNov 22 Saint's day of Artemis, and Ydilar, Norse god of archery Festivals of DECEMBER Dec.11 Untouchable day to Arianrhod, Celtic Moon IdolDec 18 Celt Idol EPONA is valued, Idol of livestock.Dec.21 Yule: the celebration of death and rebirth, winter flora and fauna are hand-me-down to imprint the altar and circle.Dec 27 Norse Idol Freyja is valued on this day. Freyja is a aficionado of felines.Dec 31 Regular new Sparkle Day "PAGAN HOLIDAYS AND FESTIVALS - DRUIDISM - WICCAN - NORSE - KEMET Respectable"