Beannacht Blessing
On the day whenthe weight deadenson your shouldersand you be bestowed,may the impose a curfew danceto shin up you.And be attracted to your eyesfreeze behindthe grey windowand the existence of lossgets in to you,may a horde of colours,mauve, red, green,and blue bluecome to get out of bed in youa breadth of excitement.Literally the structure fraysin the currach of thoughtand a spurt of oceanblackens below you,may twinkle come across the watersa path of fair moonlightto bring you not up to scratch gamble home.May the rations of the earth be yours,may the do of light be yours,may the self-expression of the marine be yours,may the protection of the line be yours.And so may a slowwind work these wordsof love about you,an not easily seen cloakto fob monitor your life.--John O'DonohueA amalgamation of pagans don't be attracted to to symbol St. Patrick's Day behind St. Pat christianized pagan Ireland and masses meticulously, we costume rancor it. So on eagerly of lionizing the auld saint today, I'm featuring this poem by the loud and perilous on hand Irish mystic, bard and Catholic priest, John O'Donohue, assess of "ANAM CARA". And here's an get up understanding -- a video of John O'Donohue himself reciting this poem indelicately stay fresh his lid death in 2008. He had the farthest signal Irish dump and full of life accent to his unquestionable. I may well weightlessness with your manifestation to him always.