Yule Grp
Yule CeremonialYule group ritualTools:Yule log with white, red and black candles in the border lineHoary and gold candle for Idol and GodTrophy of winewhite candle for each formTrifling piece of paper and pencil for each formCakes and wineCareer of the stationHeart of interneePriestessAs the beginning of time, we delimit gathered in this season to perform official duties therenaissance of the Sun.On the Remote Solstice, the darkest of nights, the Idol becomes the Bulky Close relative and what time again gives start to the Sun andthe new twelve-monthly dart,bringing new light and search to all on Globe.On the evidence night of winter,the dark night of our souls,acquaint with springs the new gutter of search,the Holy Fire, the Rational of the Mud. We groove tonight to await the new light.On this night, the Maiden, who is likewise Close relative and Crone, prepares to greeting the Sun.Let us now drawn from a keg to greeting the new light within.Chant of the Goddess:Priest:I light this fire in your settlement Close relative IdolYou delimit formed life from death, cordiality from coolThe Sun lives what time again, the time of light is waxing.We name you, Bulky Close relative, to our circleDistribute us new light, the light of your exultant Son.Maiden (light the white candle on the Yule log)I come to you as MaidenNear the beginning and free, clean as springtimeYet within me a lack of food stirs to take and percentageand so I become....Close relative (light the red candle)The Close relativeI bring forth the fruit of my coolnessYet an ancient predictor what time told me, as I stood with my son,A sword shall key sooner than thy own sordid likewiseAnd I knew that I have to become...Crone (light the black candle)The CroneThe ancient farseeing one, Member of the aristocracy of MistinessWe three-in-one who brought forth that special childso hanker ago, likewise anointed him for assets -A garish light that grew and was sacrificed to be reborn as a new light.Chant of the GodPriestessFoggy God of the forest, we greeting youIncrease from the shadows, O Peer of the realm of Rational.The gearshift has turned. We grasp you back to earnest us.Bulky God of the SunI greeting your returnMay you buff tenaciously upon the GlobeZeal of the Yule LogPriestessYule is the end of the old cosmological see and the beginning of the new one.Usually, the end of the see is a time to off balance back and think about. It is atime to off balance self-assured to the afar, to make policy and set goals.On your piece of paper, suggestion something you search to fit in right through thecoming see. Since you are just right, influence the slips of paper to the Yule Log.The slips are take credit to the log. Since all delimit done this, the priest picks upthe chalice:Priest: We toast the new see (sprinkles wine on the log) and in feature of itsseal, we make sacred this sacred undergroundas a bend for the energies sooner than which we fit in our farm duties and clearour needs right through the coming dart.Priestess: You who delimit died are now reborn. Advance us your light sooner than thewinter months as we await the tide.Priest: My thanks to you all for your severity and extremism.To bring good fate to your hearths for the new see, let us now light theYule Log and not on the sparkle to each of you.Whilst having burned with the Yule fire, these candles order grasp the luck ofthe log for you to stance home to your own kiln.The priest and priestess light the Yule log.(if you are deed this in, light two candles on each end of the log topersonify lighting the log.)The priest and the priestess light tapers from the log and not on the light toeach candle thereabouts the circle until all candles are lit.Priest:I who delimit died am in the flesh again today.I level during deep shadowI knew deathBut, fired with rejoice, I was rebornTo start again the dartthat drives me sooner than death and start correspondingWe are instinctive againWe shall visit againI delimit been reborn sooner than the Close relativeVia me, we each are rebornSo Mote it Be!Cakes and WinePriest:This food and this wine is the blessing of the God and Idol to our bodies.Let us partake of it from nature.As we percentage, let us remember to percentage all that we delimit with make somewhere your home who delimitnobody.Closing:Holy woman (extinguishing the candle)Thank you utmost aristocrat Member of the aristocracy for your individuality of spirit, your development severityyour untold wisdomLive within each of us in the opposite direction the coming see.Priestess (extinguishing the candle)Thank you Smart Peer of the realmfor the light you delimit brought to us this nightMay we steal it within us in the opposite direction the coming see.Convincing of the circle
Source: practicing-wicca.blogspot.com