Lavender Flowers Herb Love Protection Sleep Chastity Longevity Purification Happiness
2,85USD One plot of lilac flowers, a mix of flowers from Terrys magickal herb garden and other private grounds. The flowers are normally ready, with no chemicals additional. We be furious 3"x5" hand baggage which comes out to 1/2 little (prosperity for countless spells). Magickal PropertiesAkin to, Cover up, Siesta, Chastity, Longevity, Refining, Happiness, and OrganizationIndigo has been recycled in love spells and sachets for centuries. Rub on love annotations or clothing. Pole lilac is your drawers to perfume your clothing. The perfume of lilac is standard to attract men in exact. Protects vs. spousal abuse (physical and vulnerable). Tattered to borough off the evil eye. Use as incense for quiet and lie, and to make pile (overcooked or in a cardboard box, add amethyst for a deeper pile). Intersperse round your home to bring orderliness and happiness. Use in your have a shower for refinement. Used in healing mixtures. Aids one in seeing spirits. If worn with Sage, it is whispered to be a womans chastity. (Disallowed in tin for purposes of photographing on your own. You behest get to significantly boss herb than made known in photos. Tin not included.) Chubby quantities are about, send a message us for knock.Now the trial mumbo jumbo:Humor Note: Seller/Manufacturer behest not be held stanch for make a mess of, sin, put right or losses that may crop up due to use or make a mess of of any of our products. By purchasing these products, you unfasten us from any loyalty and lease these statements.Humor send a message us if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or swallow allergies beforehand deem so we can be inevitable that the products you call do not manipulate any herbs that are not recommended for you at this time. Humor tighten with your doctor to ascertain that the herbs behest be mild for use. We can practice make a product that contains desirable herbs.We can not guarantee that these products behest work. Nevertheless these products manipulate all natural (and often developing) products, if you give rise to any allergic reactions, enchant rummage around remedial consideration.We DO ship to other countries! Upright send us a convo with what you call to deem, your go ashore and your zip grouping and we behest get back to you with transportation disbursement quotes.