The Star Gods Revealed
by Leonard FarraOne humanity,who cargo space not read my books, The Pleiades Bequest (the Old Manufacture) and The Pleiades Bequest (the New Manufacture), cargo space asked me what they are about. Faint, the retort is that they reveal a defiant picture of the early history of civilised man based on what some of the Ancients,such as the Sumerians, claimed to cargo space happened. According to these sources, civilising extra-terrestrials visited Sphere and taught man heaps clever arts, such as crop growing, and how to alive in villages. Myths say that they had the form of considerable white men and wore want white robes. They were worshipped as gods and white became related with clarity. Ancient plants were regularly regarded as sacred and priests who served the gods systematically wore white robes. The reader possibly will find this story obstinate to person but the fact is that it has had a complete dimple on heaps aspects of material life, in each the Old and New Worlds, completely ready to the stretch such as early fervent beliefs and festivals, myths, folk background, precise and animal symbolism, sacred architecture, numerology, star lore, abstract stories, the from head to foot alignments of countless early sites, sayings, and even place names.Metaphorical texts, such as The Select of Enoch, an ancient Jewish fervent work, and the Select of the Hopi, show that some humanity altered the machinery liable to them by their non terrestrial touring company and second hand it to revolution their enemies. The later retaliated and very briskly furthest of the world was fascinated in conflict- I.E. the wars in the 20th century were the Microscopic and the Third and this one was the at first. When they wise person what was arrived, the star-gods returned and ruined the feuding humanity with a extensive scamper. Impart are literally hundreds of scamper stories involvement the world and the traditions related with heaps of them show that they refer to a deluge that occurred on this globe 5,000 time ago.Fresh Sumerian writings reveal the installment of space craft that visited Sphere and later Wretched Eastern traditions substantiate how they were represented in symbolism and sacred architecture and how they were besides alluded to in fervent rituals.These sources besides reveal that exhibit was a stick with the 'star-god' religions of Ancient Sumeria, Babylon, Assyria, Egypt, and other parts of the Wretched East, Asia, and West Africa.They humanize that in Egypt, the white garmented, civilising god, Osiris, who later became the God of the Disappeared, was at the centre of that country's Afterlife beliefs and that, under a materialize of names, he was eminent as a civiliser in countless early cultures.Pyramids, such as Egypt's Textbook Pyramid, Babylon's lofty Etemenanki, and the splendid pyramids in Assyrian palaces, were part of the star-god religion which besides swayed some of the traditions of the Mode Civilisations of Greece and Rome and mystical cults, such as Mithraism, which Rome adopted from the East.The sky-god religion became interwoven with recognized aspects of Astrology with which some of the Roman emperors were soundly fascinated. The architectural deal of Rome's Coliseum, and the Pantheon, for prefigure, and the unbelievable chariot racing goings-on at the Pale Maximus, were all based upon astrological, sky-god connected, traditions. As I previously mentioned, in other articles, heaps early humanity related the star-people with the Pleiades. These stars, which are 440 light time from Sphere, were featured in fervent traditions in the vicinity of the Old Manufacture. Dutiful sites were amalgamated to their insurgence and humanity related them with the Flood and the extensive civilisers of man. The story of the stop of the star-gods resulted in countless myths, enhanced the time, such as the tales of lost flooded lands in Medieval Europe. Plato's story of Atlantis,which has jam-packed the minds of heaps scholars, enhanced the time, possibly will besides cargo space been based on the Flood description. In the midst of regard to the New Manufacture, its unusual in the public domain civilisations besides go out with back five thousand time and humanity in Equidistant and South America, such as the Aztecs, Maya and Incas, had quiet Pleiades connected star-god religions to others in countries thousands of miles in reserve in the Old Manufacture. The sacred architecture, and symbolic designs, second hand to put forward the craft of the star-people in the Old Manufacture, were besides second hand in parts of the Americas. In Europe, some of the continue star-god traditions, and background, were buried in the same way as Christianity came on the behold and singularly in the 12th century, in the era of the crusades, in the same way as the Catholic Place of worship in France began a strive against heretics which gobble up to other parts of Europe. In Dorset, in England, a church was built axis a 'pagan' earth circle and exhibit is besides expert, spoken in symbolism, of Christianity replacing assist star-god connected traditions in some of the English churches built in that era. Hundreds of time later, a quiet thing happened in the same way as the Europeans colonised the New Manufacture. In Mexico, the Spaniards built the Town Place of worship enhanced the Aztec's Textbook Pyramid, in Tenochtitlan, (now buried under Mexico Municipal), and in the Incan Funds town of Cuzco, they built the Place of worship of Santo Domingo enhanced the Coricancha temple. Both these sacred structures were astronomically amalgamated. They metaphorically stood at the centre of the house and they were part of the exceptionally sky-god religion. In Mexico, the Spanish priest, and inquisitor, Bishop Landa compelled Mayan aristocracy to consecrate up their religion and he thirsty thousands of Mayan things of admire and codices note down their beliefs and from head to foot soundtrack. Helpfully, a few of the codices survived, or were written in the rear the Spanish conquest, for exhibit is a wealth of egg-shaped, and abstract, soundtrack in texts such as The Popul Vuh which has indistinct scholars the same as they did not understand that it was joined to the sky-god religion.Via the course of my look into, I cargo space been professional to make clear the secret fervent traditions related with some of the early archaeological sites in the Americas such as Machu Picchu in Peru, Tiahuanaco in the Andes, Teotihuacan in Mexico, and the Mayan site of Chichen Itza, in Mexico, everywhere heaps humanity flocked on the 2012 December solstice to envisage what some consideration was the end of the world. Chichen's lofty pyramid, and heaps other structures at the site, and in other Mayan cities, were related with the sky-god religion and it was the Hawaiian recruit of it which resulted in Capt. Round being killed in the same way as he now in Hawaii.In each the Old and New Worlds, exhibit were inner traditions, and rituals, for initiates and rulers, and further than ones for the well-liked mutual and in the same way as Western scholars began note down the traditions, and myths, of North American Physical peoples, they either mock to the twisted citizens or individuals who knew the in-house truths' kept them to themselves. What of this uncertainty, the further than abstract stories, about the stop of the 'star-people', cargo space been recorded in books on mythology. Initiates, allay, who were told the inner truths by their elders, kept them to themselves and heaps Physical Americans are in anticipation of their return.Whatsoever I cargo space reported boss is solely a part of a towering, thorny, problem which re-interprets the history of early civilised man. Bountiful Physical American tribes, for prefigure, say that their humanity were survivors of the cut up of the ex- point in time, by water, and special sources show that this was the Textbook scamper, that occurred 5,000 time ago and which was, reputedly, caused by the sky-gods. In addition to, exhibit is a row, or Key which runs ready heaps of the early sky-god religions, traditions, and myths the pursue end of it is immobile with us today. The titles of heaps films, and books, for prefigure, are joined to a series of stories, told by heaps humanity enhanced the centuries, which go out with back five thousand time to the star-god era. The exceptionally color of thing happened with some sky-god symbols. One of them, the spikes insurgence from the headdress of America's lofty Stature of Opening, dates back to Ancient Egypt. It was later adopted by the Etruscans, and Greeks, and it was second hand as a symbol in Christianity. Other than, few humanity now place any curiosity on it the same as its personality meaning has want since been over and done.Explanation