Jas 1 14 Each Person Is Lured By His Own Desire
(Jas 1, 14) Each character is lured by his own intend [14] Positively, each character is tempted as soon as he is lured and enticed by his own intend. (CCC 2514) St. John distinguishes three kinds of protectiveness or concupiscence: hunger of the flesh, hunger of the eyes, and elation of life (Cf. 1 Jn 2:16). In the Catholic catechetical tradition, the ninth direct forbids carnal concupiscence; the tenth forbids coveting another's harvest. (CCC 2515) Etymologically, "concupiscence" can slacken to any evident form of human intend. Christian theology has liable it a discrete meaning: the activity of the touchy enjoyment contradictory to the consecutively of the human address. The apostle St. Paul identifies it with the insubordination of the "flesh" v the "spirit" (Cf. Gal 5:16, 17, 24; Eph 2:3). Concupiscence stems from the disobedience of the first sin. It unsettles man's moral faculties and, not good enough beast in itself an fury, inclines man to commit sins (Cf. Gen 3:11; Board of Trent: DS 1515). (CCC 2525) Christian sanctity requires a refinement of the sociable climate. It requires of the communications media that their presentations audacity honor for gratitude and certainty. Purity of concentrate brings breathing space from widespread eroticism and avoids agitation apt to voyeurism and thrilling. (CCC 2526) So called moral sloppiness rests on an injure insight of human freedom; the defensible precondition for the intensification of true breathing space is to let oneself be educated in the moral law. Individuals in charge of information can possibly be set to give immature domestic tranquility respectful of the truth, the personality of the concentrate, and the moral and spiritual magnificence of man.
Source: crafty-witch.blogspot.com