So what?
So, if being is looking for a religion to put your name down, in addition to the INC is the one for you, that is on characteristic that you have in mind to be in one that is practicing and socially nimble.
Dynamic? Yes, what it has built the Philippine Turf, and socially active? yes, what as far as I know INC members are all actively employed or subject in a self-owned and managed source of revenue earning undertaking.
Am I a feeler of the INC? No, but I am an bystander of the INC like numerous numerous years ago like I top noticed the INC fixation in F. Manalo road in San Juan, in addition to as soon as the New Era fixation in Commonwealth Focus.
Would I sign up with the INC?
I am a free Christian, I don't belong to any Christian church that I cannot brace out anytime I have in mind.
I have in mind to see whether the INC are extremely into intellectual and artistic pursuits and other actions close environmentalism, for member close with the Greenpeace colonize.
So extremely I know from make available knowledge that Felix Manalo the founder claimed to be Jesus Christ previously returned as He assumed He would.
That is one law if that be a law that I find a bit disconcerting, what introduce are a lot of non-Catholic churches whose founders extremely petition to be the returned Jesus Christ.
Expound is extremely out of the ordinary close up Christian group founded by a Quibuloy who claims to be the Son of God.
Of course my make available knowledge possibly will be accusation, what I studious about Felix Manalo from the media and extremely Quibuloy; I take never made any deep study of the claims of the INC in regard to Jesus Christ having returned, and I don't know about Quibuloy restrict extremely from the media -- and Quibuloy has a community in Davao City which is featured in a daily tv cipher, someplace the #1 instruct is a big chorus of proficient looking unripe women and men singing all the time.