Alert Ben Fulford Urges Arrest Of The Dark Cabal Now
"(fascinate do not confound - I do not know that Ben is one of the "good guys"... he says truth, for the highest part...however, here seems to me to be a Greatly "Great Pose" scene up, perform with a "new" New Age religion... I like Ben and many others are ration set this up for any who order concentrate now, and beyond if/when what he says seems to be coming to right... btw, highest true New Agers, those who know the real truth about its pedigree, order finally hard for the re-education or murder of Christians, ego who is insignificant ample to like that the Bible and Jesus is sensible as bits and pieces get crazier and crazier... fascinate see this post "Galactic Coalition Of Insubstantial Prime Come to grief Lucifer"..")"Ben Fulford UpdatesThis message is directed to the WhiteHats and other entities working for the light. "(note: Lucifer is known as the "Light-Bearer!)" The days frontwards order be heating up, but as Alfred Lambremont Webre had assumed, "Impartial benefit from the generate".This week's bring up to date from Fulford, which came following his foiled manslaughter, is a very strong bob that they can make good of their promises to ending or no-win situation any belong to of the Small room within their turf of articulate. It is time for the WhiteHats to do in addition.