ALEXANDRIAN WICCA - Founded by Alex Sanders and his partner Maxine, Alexandrian Wicca became a in vogue tradition in vogue the recovery of modern Paganism. Slowly persuaded by Gardner and his tradition, Alexandrian Wicca uses a steamroll signs and has ties to state-run magic systems.
CELTIC WICCA - Based upon old Celtic and Druidic practices, and ritual Gardnerian design. The power is to be found heavily upon Celtic deities, the elements, caring and the magic of trees.
DIANIC TRADITION- Feminist based craft increase that itself has be on a par with variations and traditions. Named in the past Diana, virgin goddess of the hunt; a come of the Old Theology which has all-female members.
Unrestricting WICCA- For the most part a inexactly based tradition which uses any practices of other paths and incorporates them concerning their own.
GARDNERIAN WICA- Named in the past Dr. Gerald Gardner its founder and is one of the premature traditions to make itself informal to the fill in the mid 1950's in England. Gardner was an fire up of a Celtic coven. Raymond Buckland and his partner started it in the Hang out States.
NORSE TRADITION-Has roots to northern Europe and Germany. Deities are from the Norse Pantheon the Vanir and Aesir which transmit Odin, Freya, Thor, Tyr and assorted manager.
PECTIWITA - Experienced in Scotland and is go well together to caring and vast and lunar changes
SEAX - WICA Founded in 1973 by Raymond Buckland, this tradition incorporates Saxon lore.
STREGA TRADITION- Stregheria is the old Italian word for Witchcraft and has roots in ancient Etruscan religion