More About Artemis
"Artemis Khryselakatos (with shafts of gold) loves archery and the contract killing of unkempt beasts in the mountains, the lyre correspondingly and dancing and strong-voiced manner and slimy wood and the cities of exactly men."~Homeric HymnAccording to the Homeric Hymn to Artemis, she had golden bow and arrows, as her picture was "Khryselakatos", "of the Blond Stem", and "Iokheira" (Showered by Arrows). The arrows of Artemis may perhaps correspondingly to bring quick death and infection to girls and women. Artemis got her bow and sting for the initial time from "The Kyklopes", as the one she asked from her set off. The bow of Artemis correspondingly became the keep a note of Callisto's promise of her virginity. In end cult, the bow became the symbol of waxing moon.Artemis' chariot was complete of gold and was pulled by four golden horned deer ("Elaphoi Khrysokeroi)." The bridles of her chariot were correspondingly complete of gold.Deer were the decently plants assumed sacred to Artemis herself. On seeing a deer obese than a bull with horns gleaming, she strike in love with these creatures and assumed them sacred. Deer were correspondingly the initial plants she captured. She puzzled five golden horned deer called "Elaphoi Khrysokeroi" and harnessed them to her chariot. To assume the "Cerynitian Fund" vivacious was the third labour of Heracles commanded by "Eurystheus". Heracles begged Artemis for forgiveness and promised to return it vivacious. Artemis forgave him but targeted "Eurystheus" for her anger.Artemis got her hunting dogs from Pan in the forest of Arcadia. Pan gave Artemis two black-and-white dogs, three reddish ones, and one speckled one - these dogs were pleasant to adhere to even lions. Pan correspondingly gave Atemis seven bitches of the paramount Arcadian hustle. Subdue, Artemis decently ever brought seven dogs hunting with her at any one time.The boar is one of the chosen plants of the hunters, and correspondingly firm to tame. In decoration of Artemis' boat, they were sacrificed to her. Oineus and Adonis were both killed by Artemis' boar. Hawks were a better bird of abundant of the gods, Artemis included.As for the Guinea Game birds, Artemis felt comedown for the Meleagrids as they mourned for their lost brother, Meleagor, so she distorted them trendy Guinea Fowl; to be her chosen plants.A few OF THE Excellent Forward Tradition FEATURING THE Idol INCLUDE: * Her initiate, hasty after which she assisted her mother in the initiate of her equivalent brother Apollon. * The Trojan War anywhere she was subjugated by Hera in an red-looking plucky of the gods. * The searcher Aktaion who encountered the goddess as soon as she was bathing and was turned trendy a stag. * The Aloadai giants who attempted to rate Olympos but were tricked by Artemis trendy massacre each other. * The loss of Iphigeneia whom Emperor Agamemnon impending to her for the exchange of the Greek speedy to Troy. * The life-size Orion, a end companion of the goddess, who was slain by the goddess or her jealous brother; * The Kalydonian boar sent by Artemis to misuse Kaldyon; * The brownie Kallisto, a companion of Artemis, who was seduced by Zeus in the come across of the goddess.Sources: Wikipedia, and Theoi